[Steven × child reader]

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[#11: Beach City]

"(Y/N)! Wanna come walk around Beach City with me?" Steven asked you excitedly. You gasped and nodded. You had always wanted to see more of Beach City!

Steven lead you out of The Temple and onto the sand. He then brought you to a place called "The Big Donut".

When you stepped inside, you were greeted by a girl and boy who were yelling at each other. Once they realized that they had costumers, they put on fake smiles.

"Oh, hey Steven! Who's this?" the girl asked, waving at you. You waved back. This girl seemed friendly. She was short with blonde hair and had pale skin.

"This is my uh- friend, (Y/N). I'm showing them the sights of Beach City!" Steven exclaimed, placing an arm over your shoulder.

The girl nodded and introduced herself as Sadie. She then pointed to the guy next to her and said that he was called Lars. He was tall and had a tuft of orange hair piled onto his head. He had tan skin and his ears were shaped like donuts, which made you giggle.

"Steven, can we get donuts?" you asked, stars in your eyes as you pressed yourself against the glass and stared at the many donuts.

"Sure, (Y/N/N), which one do you want?" he asked, and you immediately pointed to your favorite kind of donut. Steven would bring one home for you all the time.

He ordered for you and him and he handed you your donut. You ate it in almost one bite as Amethyst did a lot. Steven laughed at you.

"Bye Sadie! Bye Lars!" you waved at the two at the counter before you and Steven left. Sadie waved at you with a smile on her face, and Lars was just... being Lars.

You skipped happily beside Steven as he led you to another place. It as an arcade. You gasped and ran inside with him following behind.

"Steven! I wanna play a game!" you exclaimed, tugging on his shirt. You lead him over to a game and he inserted coins into the slot. After that game, you went to another game, and then another, and then another.

"Steven, this place is so much fun!" you announced as he placed the tickets you and him won on the counter. You both got a prize and then exited the arcade.

He then brought you to a place called "Fish Stew Pizza". There were three teenagers there who Steven told you were named Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream. And then another girl named Kiki was working.

Jenny and Kiki were sisters and looked fairly the same with dark hair and skin. Buck was the son of the mayor. He had brown hair and sunglasses on, and he sort of reminded you of Garnet. Sour Cream was the son of one of Amethyst's friends named Vidalia. He was tall and pale.

You introduced yourself to them and then you hung out with them for a little while longer. They all talked about how alike you and Steven were. You took that as a compliment; Steven was pretty great!

After that, you and Steven made your way to Frybo's.

"Do as I do," Steven instructed. He walked up to the counter and the boy working there sighed deeply. Steven began to bang his fists on the counter while chanting "The Bits! The Bits! The Bits!" and you copied.

The boy, apparently named Peedee, called for Ronaldo who handed him the bag of bits. Peedee then lazily placed it on the counter.

"Thanks, Peedee!" you smiled at him. He smiled back. You and Steven walked away while sharing the bits.

"Let's go to the beach!" Steven suggested, and you agreed. You built an awesome sandcastle with him. He snapped a photo of you by the castle as you made a peace sign with your fingers.

You were exhausted after the day and plopped face-first onto the couch when you entered The Temple, immediately falling asleep.

Steven, Amethyst, Pearl, and Garnet all chuckled at you.


Ayeee! Steven is so pure and innocent I love my lil' cinnamon roll.

Any requests, anyone? I really love to write these, and I'm out of ideas >~<

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

Anyways, please vote and comment guys, it means a lot to me!

Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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