[The Crystal Gems × defective!Ruby reader part 2]

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[#86: Defective Rubies Get Left Behind Part 2]

"Yay, a new member of the team!" Steven cheered, wrapping his short arms around you and squeezing you in a hug. Your eyes went wide with confusion. Why was this human giving you such warm contact? Was this some sort of earthly greeting?

"What are you doing?" you asked, "it's very nice. I like it." Steven chuckled and pulled away from you, his dark eyes sparkling, "It's called a hug!" You smiled, nodding. The 'hug' left you with a warm feeling, which made you feel happy.

"I should introduce you to the gems. This is Pearl," he began, gesturing to the tall, pale gem, who removed her cap to reveal the pearl embedded into her forehead. Your face lit up at the information.

"Woah, a pearl?! I never knew pearls could be so excellent in activities as challenging as that baseball game!" you gasped, squishing your cheeks between your hands. The pearl blushed a teal color, holding her head up high in confidence, "Well, I am a self-trained gem soldier." You cooed excitedly.

"That's Amethyst," Steven said, pointing to the short, purple gem. She had her pinky finger digging into her nose as she looked off in a bored manner. Her eyes widened at the sound of her name, and she looked over at you. She gave a short wave and a small, friendly smile. You waved back, but walked towards her, mesmerized by her soft hair.

You pet her pale, lavender hair, stars filling your eyes, and said, "Wow, your hair is so long and pretty. Even prettier than the amethysts' on Homeworld!" Amethyst's cheeks gave off a slight, dark purple hue, but quickly recovered. She smirked, "Yeah, it is pretty awesome, isn't it?"

She found it cute that you loved to play with her hair, but wouldn't admit it out loud.

"That's Garnet," Steven continued, gesturing towards the tall, maroon-colored gem. She's the fusion of the sapphire and the ruby. You noted thoughtfully, staring up at her because she was so tall.

"You're very tall," you commented, awestruck by the fact that a ruby and sapphire could even fuse, "rubies and sapphires do turn into beautiful gems." Garnet had been silent the whole time, staring down at your small body. She suddenly blushed-- hard-- and scooped you into her arms. You giggled, wrapping your arms around her neck.

The Sapphire part of her found you adorable, being a ruby, and an exceptional small one, at that. She was definitely clingy and wanted to hold you forever, though the Ruby part of Garnet was jealous of the attention. Ruby gave in, though, and let Garnet hold you.

"Mine," Garnet said shortly, holding you close to her. You adored this attention. Steven awed.

"This is Peridot," the boy said, hugging a small, green gem to him. The gem blushed profusely, glaring at him. She pushed him away and crossed her arms, giving a cocky look, "Yes, I am Peridot. I'm the most superior gem here, so don't let these imbeciles confuse you on that."

"I thought peridots were a lot taller," you thought aloud, which earned a surprised grunt from Peridot. She growled, "Well, I was much taller, but these clods threw away my limb enhancers." You tilted your head.

"I've never seen a peridot stand up for anyone like you did for your friends. You've got to be pretty courageous," you told her, which made her arms fall and her cheeks burn. Steven interrupted to introduce the last gem, Lapis Lazuli. You gave her a smile and a wave, but she didn't react. She looked as tired and miserable as ever, glaring at you.

"And you already know me-- I'm Steven!" the human exclaimed, throwing his pudgy hands into the air with a big, goofy smile. His happiness was contagious, so you smiled, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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