[Lapis × child reader]

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[#26: The Mirror]

You silently walked along the beach, staring at the beautiful waves that brushed against the shore. You closed your (E/C) eyes and took a deep breath, the scent of the sand and salty water filling your nostrils. You listened to the soft whispers of the wind and squawking of birds.

Your foot suddenly collided with something solid and you tripped, falling over onto your face. You groaned and held yourself up on your elbows with a scowl on your face.

You craned your neck and gazed at your foot to the object you had tripped on. You expected to see a seashell or maybe a rock, but you raised an eyebrow at the sight of a mirror.

You sat on your bottom and reached your arm out, curling your fingers around the handle of the mirror. You brought it to your face.

You turned the mirror around in your hands, inspecting it. You ran a finger over the blue gem on the back shaped as a teardrop, a crack right through the middle.

"This mirror looks really cool..," you mumbled, staring at your reflection in the glass. You stood up with the mirror still gripped in your fingers.

"Hey, little mirror, what do you think about comin' home with me?" you asked the object, chuckling at yourself. You felt silly for talking to a mirror.

You began to walk away but stopped dead in your tracks when the mirror began to speak. You brought it back up to your face with wide eyes.

"W-What?" you whispered, your mouth gaped open. The mirror flashed with a small glimpse of your face while you mumbled, "cool."

You gasped and almost dropped the mirror, but held it tightly in your fist. You smiled wide. This is so coool! You squealed to yourself.

"Okay, so, I'm (Y/N). I'm guessing you can only copy what you've seen, since you only talked when I said something, yes?" you asked. The mirror flashed, and a memory of what you just said played, "yes?"

You gasped and stars formed in your eyes. This was the coolest thing you'd ever encountered in your 8 years of life.

"No way! I gotta show the gems this!" you exclaimed, beginning to run to The Temple. Your feet came to a halt when the mirror replied, "No!"

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at the mirror with a titled head. Why didn't it want to meet your friends?

"Awe, okay. I guess you're not ready for that. The gems are kinda a lot to take in at first. I'll show them to you another time," you shrugged, walking in the opposite direction of The Temple. You made your way to the boardwalk.

"Well, if I can't show the gems... Can you let me show my other friends? Pretty pretty please? For me?" you begged, gazing at the mirror with puppy eyes.

The mirror answered with, "Yes?" You cheered and pumped your fists into the air. You scurried over to The Big Donut to show Lars and Sadie.

"Hey! Sadie! Lars! Look at this cool mirror I found!" you shouted, waving the mirror in the air as you bursted into the door.

Sadie was wiping down the counter while Lars was asleep in a chair, snoring obnoxiously loud. You presented the mirror to Sadie with a grin.

"Say hi to Sadie, little buddy!" you shouted. Sadie watched the mirror as it rippled like water and replayed memories of you saying, "Hi Sadie!"

Sadie gasped and stars appeared in her eyes. She ran out from behind the counter to get a closer look.

"Wow, (Y/N)! This is amazing!" the blonde-headed girl gushed, turning the mirror around in her hands. She handed it back and you said your goodbyes.

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