[Centipeetle × teenaged reader]

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[#63: Centi]

You stared around the bubble-filled room, sneaking glances to make sure you were alone every once and a while. You furrowed your eyebrows at the sight of a strange gem-- it almost looked like a green and black pokeball.

Your eyes darted around once again before you popped the bubble, freeing the gem. You watched as it reformed, grabbing for your sword just in case.

From the glow and silhouette came a sort of centipede creature. It growled at you, spitting acid. You blocked the substance which made it hit a keychain that you had on your backpack, disintegrating it to nothing.

"Awe c'mon!" you shouted, pulling an angry face. The centipede cowered in fear at your loud outburst, whining like a dog. You recognized the similarities between the creature and a dog, so you crouched to be closer to its height.

You whistled, calling her closer. She grunted and tilted her head. You were interested in the acid coming from her mouth like slobber. She sputtered, spitting acid right at your face. You shrieked and ducked out of the way.

That startled her, causing her to back up frantically. She bumped into a wall and whined, scared. You sighed and crawled a little closer, cooing to the creature.

"It's okay, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna be your friend," you told her, reaching hand out towards her. She growled lowly, snapping her jaws at you.

"Hmmm... well, if you don't want to be friends, I guess I can't chare my Chaaaps with you," you said sadly, sighing and shaking your head. You dug the bag of chips from your backpack.

You held them in front of the creature and ripped the bag open, waving it in front of her. She sniffed the bag and lunged for it, but you snatched it away before she could.

"No, no, no! Bad Centi! You don't get any Chaaaps because I only share food with my friends," you stated, shoving a handful of chips in your mouth.

Centi seemed to frown and whined. You shrugged and threw a chip towards her. She sniffed it for a second before eating it quickly, humming in satisfaction.

"Good Centi. You like chips, huh?" you chuckled, throwing her another one. You caught her off guard, reaching out and stroking her hair. She didn't freak out this time, instead just rubbed her head into your hand.

"Awe, you're cute," you said, petting her softly. She jumped onto you, pushing you into your back. She curled onto your stomach as you laughed.

"You really are like a dog. Except... with acid spit..," you said, petting Centi's head, "do you even understand what I'm saying? You were a gem before..."

Centi titled her head and suddenly jumped off of you. You sat up and watched her dive into your bag of chips, gobbling all of them down and burning the bag in the process.

You chuckled and shook your head. You stood and grabbed your backpack that was now sitting on the floor and threw it onto your shoulder.

You turned to see Garnet staring at you, her arms crossed over her chest. You screamed loudly and fell backwards, but luckily, Garnet caught you before you hit the ground.

"(Y/N), what are you doing in here? Why did you let that out?" she asked, pointing to Centi. She was hiding behind you, coughing up acid as usual.

"Uh... I was bored, so I uh... came in here. Centi's gem looked so weird so I had to check it out!" you explained, waving your hands around to motion to Centi. Garnet sighed.

"(Y/N), I understand that you are curious about gems and things of that nature, but you cannot just go around popping these bubbles. These gems are here for a reason," she scolded softly, placing a hand on your shoulder.

You knew what that meant. You sighed deeply and stared down at Centi sadly, bending down to pet her. She hummed in satisfaction and rubbed her head against your hand.

Garnet summoned her gauntlet and stood in front of the creature. You turned away, "I can't watch." You covered your eyes as Garnet poofed the gem, bubbling her once again.

You spun back around and frowned, staring at the ground. Garnet patted your back and lead you back to the Temple. Right before you left, you glanced at Centi's bubble once again, sad that this was her fate-- to be corrupted and trapped in a bubble for all eternity.


This was requested by Aviacc98. I hope you like it!

If you didn't know already, I have a book out that is tilted "The Homeworld Human". It's about you, a human, who is brought to Homeworld and grows up with the Homeworld gems, including Blue Diamond, Blue Pearl, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Pearl, Holly Blue Agate, the Famethyst, & more. Check it out if you want!

Btw, you can check out my other book: Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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