[Blue Pearl × child reader]

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[#74: Watching the Human]

"Pearl, I have some business to attend to. Watch the human while I'm away," the towering, blue-colored being spoke in her soft voice before she turned and exited, leaving her servant and the human child alone.

The quiet gem stood politely, her thick hair covering her face and her hands folded in front of her in a professional manner. The child was still a little confused as to where they were-- they'd been abducted by unfamiliar, strange aliens and taken to outer space.

The child was short and small, with (H/L), (H/C) hair that they kept having to sweep out of their innocent, (E/C) eyes. They were very quiet and seemed to be shy, which made them easy to handle but not easy to get to open up.

Whenever a diamond would be given a human child, they had to check the child to make sure they were fit for the Human Zoo. You had been a new human child that'd been basically gifted to Blue Diamond, so you'd been sent to her for inspection. But she'd left you with her Pearl to do something more important at that moment.

You were a nervous child, so your eyes would constantly gaze around the large room while your fingers twitched in anticipation. In an absent-minded state, you wrapped your frail arms around the servant in front of you, burying your face in the soft fabric of her clothing.

She was surprised, moving her folded hands above you and stared down at you with a tilted head. She didn't understand what you were doing-- Pearl's were never given comfort or anything of that nature, and their emotions were ignored-- so she didn't know you were hugging her.

But she didn't say anything. Pearl's weren't supposed to speak unless they were spoken to. So she just stood in silence with you holding her small frame in your arms. That is, until she felt the said human trembling against her. She stiffened at the feeling.

You were crying quietly, feeling very nervous and unsafe in this environment. You were overwhelmed by all of this new scenery and action. And when you were overwhelmed, you'd resort to crying.

Pearl didn't know what to do. She turned her head to look around before speaking in a whisper, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She was terrified of what the outcome would be if her diamond found her talking without permission, but she was going to take the chances.

You didn't answer for a few seconds. You sniffled and looked up at the gem, wiping your runny nose with the sleeve of your over-sized sweater. Pearl couldn't help but feel terrible at the sight of your puffy, red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"I-I'm s-scared. I wa-want to go h-home," you stuttered, your words barely coherent. Pearl softened her gaze and wiped your tears away in a way that was almost motherly. You pressed yourself closer to the soft, warm comfort of her hands.

"I'm sorry... you're scared..," she said in a gentle voice, retracting her hands from your face, "I'm not the one who decided to bring you here..." You sniffled and nuzzled your face into Pearl once again.

"You're nice. I like you," you mumbled, a smile playing on your lips. A dark tint of blue crossed the servant's cheeks. She kept silent, her slender hands clasped together over your head and she stared straight ahead.

"Why don't you talk much?" you asked, untangling your limbs from around her waist and tucking your hands behind your back. Strands of your hair covered one of your eyes as the other looked at your newly found companion.

"I'm not supposed to talk... unless my diamond tells to," she answered nervously, her gaze focused on the entryway just in case Blue Diamond decided to return. You frowned and pushed your hair from your eye, "Why not?"

"I'm not even exactly considered a gem... I'm a pearl. A servant," she replied, her head held in a shameful manner, as if she were ashamed to be a pearl. You crossed your arms, "That's not right." Pearl didn't answer.

"You're just as equal as everyone else. I think you're great," you told her confidently, your normally quivering and anxious voice now low and determined. You suddenly pulled her into a hug again, "I love you. You're perfect to me."

Pearl's face burned the darkest blue it'd ever been. She hesitantly embraced you as well, having to bend down slightly because of the height difference. She rested her chin on your head, "Thank you..."

Her metaphorical heart swelled with joy. She'd never been given love or sympathy before. She was just a pearl to everyone else. But to you, she was a kind, beautiful, perfect being. That made her so happy. She didn't even care that no one else would acknowledge her emotion.


This was requested by GreyWindOffi. I hope you like it (I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted.) I really like it tho :3


My friend Aviacc98 has published a new book called Steven Universe Characters × Reader 1 Shots. Please check it out! (It's amazing already, they're a great writer.)

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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