[Human Zoo Quartzes × child reader]

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[#48: Different]

You were a rather curious and rambunctious human. You lived in the human zoo, and you had for your entire life. You often got excited over small things and were constantly jumping off of the walls, metaphorically, of course.

You sat in a tree on the highest branch, gazing down at all of your fellow humans. You swung your legs back and forth, humming an unknown tune. A sudden noise startled you.

You jumped, which caused you to fall off of the branch. Your face hit the ground, scraping it a bit. You didn't know why it felt... not good. You started to cry out of instinct, holding your scraped and slightly bleeding face.

Your earrings chimed, "Why do you cry?" You sniffled, "I do not know. My face feels... not good. I do not like it!" You continued to sob, wishing that the pain would remove itself from your face.

"Hold on," your earrings spoke, then flashed a red color. You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering why it would make such a color. You heard a strange noise and looked up to see the wall... opening?

A giant, purple being stepped out. She had a ringlet in her pale, lavender hair and an unusual purple gem on her arm. Despite her strange and slightly scary appearance, you didn't move or back away.

The creature sat down in front of you, crisscrossing her legs. She stared at you, examining your face. You tilted your head curiously, and suddenly, the pain didn't matter anymore.

"What happened, little human?" she asked, reaching a large hand out to graze your injured face. You sniffled, wincing at the pain. She quickly retraced her hand.

"I was climbing a tree. I fell down and my face hit the ground. And now it feels weird. And it's not good at all," you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest in a pout.

The purple being chuckled, "That's called 'pain', human. Your face hurts. Why were you climbing a tree?"

"Pain? What a strange word. I climbed the tree because there is nothing else to do here. Everyone is happy doing what the earrings say, but I am not. I do not like being different, but I cannot help it," you answered, staring sadly at the ground.

"I think it's cool that you're different," the woman told you, smiling softly.

"What does 'cool' mean?" you asked, advancing towards her slowly.

"Well... it's a good thing, I'll promise you that," she replied, staring intently at your movements. You hesitantly reached an arm and touched her curl. You giggled as it bounced.

"I think your hair is good!" you exclaimed, giving her a toothy grin. She chuckled, tensing up when you placed yourself in her lap. You grabbed her large hand, comparing it to your own. It was a lot bigger than yours.

"What is your name?" you asked, turning your head up to look at her.

"I'm Amethyst, but my name has a bunch of numbers after it. I find it too much effort to try and say it everytime I introduce myself to someone," you answered.

"That is like me, too! My name has too many numbers in it, so I call myself Q5, because that is all I remember of it now," you told her truthfully, shrugging your shoulders, "I do not like that name, though, and that is another reason I am different from everyone else. Everyone likes their names except me."

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