[The Rubies × child reader]

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[#52: Kidnapped]

The Rubies hadn't seen you all day. They were starting to get worried. You'd normally want to see them 24/7, getting unlimited cuddles from the small, red beings. But today, you were no where to be found.

Doc, paired with Navy, burst into your bedroom door. They never really cared to give you privacy-- they just came in whenever they wanted. It was annoying at times, but you didn't really care. It's not like you had something to hide.

You weren't in the room. Doc knitted her eyebrows together in confusion, scratching her head. Navy frowned, gazing around everywhere for you. She checked under everything, even things that you couldn't possibly hide under.

Once they realized that you weren't there, they started to freak out. The Rubies were extremely overprotective and would never let anyone they didn't know even get close to you, and they definitely wouldn't just let you walk out of the house.

They hurried into the room that held the other three Rubies. They were waiting expectantly.

"They're not in there!" Doc exclaimed, igniting panic from the whole team. Everyone was trying to think of places you'd be and looking all around the house-- except Leggy.

"Uh... guys?" she squeaked in her tiny voice. None of the other rubies heard her. She cleared her throat and spoke louder, "Guys?!" Eyeball looked over at her and waited for her to answer.

"I found this note... but I don't know if it's useful..," she said, handing a slip of paper over to Eyeball. The older gem took it in her hands and read it, letting out a gasp afterwards. All of the rubies crowded around her.

"(Y/N)'s been kidnapped! We... we have to save them!" Eyeball shouted, looking panicked. Doc snatched the slip of paper up and read it, too, her eyes wide. She held it tightly in her fist.


The Rubies set off into the city. Leggy was terrified and confused as always, latching herself onto Navy's arm. Army was growling, thinking of everything she would do to the dickface who kidnapped you.

They came across a convenient store and entered it, the little bell chiming as the door opened. The cashier was leaning on the counter and playing on her phone, looking bored.

The Rubies heard an odd crunching sound and followed it to investigate it. A familiar, orange gem had one hand deep in a family-size bag of Cheeto Puffs. She had orange crumbs covering her face and her fingers were coated with the cheesy stuff.

Jasper, the name of the gem, gulped down the rest of the Cheetos in her mouth and hid the bag behind her, smiling awkwardly.

"Wait... you're Jasper!" Eyeball gasped, pointing at the Quartz soldier. Jasper wiped off the crumbs from her face with the back of her hand and nodded.

"What are you doing here?!" Eyeball shouted, excited to be in the presence of her idol, "and what is that in your hand..?"

Jasper chuckled and threw the bag behind her, dusting her hands off, "That's none of your business, rubies. What are you doing here, anyways?"

"We're here to save (Y/N)!" Leggy squeaked, hiding behind Doc in fear. She never really spoke up or even remembered her main task, but with you, it was a totally different story.

"What in the Diamonds name is a/an (Y/N)?" Jasper asked harshly, raising an eyebrow. She crossed her muscular arms over her chest, looking very intimidating as she glared down at the tiny, red beings.

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