[Holly Blue Agate × mature!child reader]

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[#76: The Reason]

You'd lived with Holly Blue Agate and the Quartzes since the very young age of 3 years old. You didn't remember anything of your life before them, and you honestly didn't want to. But lately, there was something bothering you.

Holly Blue Agate had always been very uptight and mean to you and the Quartzes. But you'd just now started to ask yourself why. Why was Holly like that? As far as you knew, no one had done anything to her to make her this way.

You decided to ask around. The gems had been around Holly far longer than you, so maybe they knew. You wouldn't know until you asked, so you strode down to the Cubby Room where a few Quartzes were running wild.

They were all very childish and immature-- the exact opposite of you. But you didn't mind, they were your family and they'd taken care of you for years. Besides, their rowdiness could entertain you at times.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)!" one of the Jasper's shouted, waving her large hand at you before hopping out of her cubby and scurrying over to you. You smiled, "Hey. Uh, can I ask you something?"

She grinned, her sharp canines sticking out, "Sure, little dude. Ask away." You nodded, "Well, I've been thinking about Holly a lot lately--"

"Wait, you don't have a crush on her, do you?!" the jasper whisper-yelled so no one else could hear. Your face turned red in embarrassment, "No! That's not what I was getting to!"

"Thank the diamonds," she sighed in relief. She then looked back down at you, towering over you like a giant. You didn't mind though, you were used to it. So began to speak again, "I've been wondering why Holly is so... uptight, and hostile. Do you know why?"

She hummed, tapping her chin. She just shrugged, "Sorry, dude. I got nothing. Holly's just like that. There's no use in trying to figure it out." You shook your head, "There has to be some reason! And I'm going to figure it out, even if it's the last thing I do!"

You walked around asking all of the Quartzes the same question: "Do you know why Holly is so uptight and mean?" None of the Earth gems had any clue. You growled in frustration and made your way out of the Cubby Room.

As you shuffled back to your room to think, your eyes were glued to the floor. You didn't see the small, red gem running towards you-- and she didn't see you either. You both bumped into each other, sending you both backwards onto your bottoms.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)! Sorry for running you over. I wasn't watching where I was going," Carnelian apologized, grinning widely and helping you up. You chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully before remembering your previous task.

Carnelian was about to walk away when you grabbed her wrist, making her halt. She turned to face you, "What's up, kid?"

"I've been trying to get an answer all day! I've been wondering why Holly is so uptight and, you know how she is! But no one can answer it! Could you possibly help me?" you pleaded, your eyes wide.

Carnelian sighed deeply, looking up in thought. She finally said, "Sorry, kiddo. I don't know. Maybe you should ask Holly herself! If she doesn't kick your legs all the way in in the process." She walked away, mumbling how much it hurt last time Holly kicked her.

Maybe I should ask her... You thought. You were interrupted by a familiar, booming voice shouting, "(Y/N)! Don't stand in the middle of the hall! You know this!"

You jumped at the sudden sound and turned to face her, "Oh, sorry, Holly." She continued to walk, her boots clicking loudly. You hurried over to her and tried to keep up with her fast pace, "H-Hey, Holly! Wait a second!"

You sighed in annoyance and she came to a halt, glaring down at you, "What do you want, (Y/N)? I don't have time for you pesky questions right now!" You crossed your arms, "This is exactly what I wanted to ask you about!"

She raised an eyebrow and straighted herself, "What are you talking about?"

"You're always so mean to everyone! Kicking them around like they're toys who don't have feelings! And you're always so uptight! What's with that?! There has to be a reason for it!" you shouted, waving your hands around.

Holly's gaze softened, "I suppose there is a reason for it... I never thought that anyone would even care. But... you do. You always care about me, but I don't know if I deserve that." You frowned.

"I'm like this because of stress over the diamonds, but that isn't the main reason. I just... don't want to become attached to anyone and then find them gone. Like you, (Y/N). You're human-- one day you're going to be gone and that is inevitable. I don't want to feel myself aching over you for the rest of eternity, but I suppose that's already going to happen," she sighed heavily, turning away from you.

"Why?" you asked, tilting your head. A tint of dark blue spread over her cheeks as she spoke again, "I'm already attached to you. I act like I'm not because then maybe I can make myself feel like you mean nothing, but that won't work. You're... 'family' to me, as you'd say."

You giggled and hugged her leg, "Holly loves me." She rolled her eyes and pushed you away gently with her leg, "Fine, I do. I have matters to attend to at the moment, so leave me be." She began to walk off, her boots clicking once again.

You chuckled, planting your hands on your hips as the blue gem hastily strode away. She suddenly looked back, her lips tugging up into a very rare, genuine smile before she continued on her way opposite of you.


I have a crush on Holly whOOPS

This was requested by Aviacc98. I hope you like it! By the way, my friend Wolfgirl016 helped me a lot with this, I don't know when I would've finished this without them. Thank you for that!♡

The next chapter will probably be posted tomorrow, or maybe even later today, but I'm not making any promises.

Please please please add a description to your request if you are going to give one, because otherwise I most likely won't do it. I'm sorry.

You guys are so amazing and I love each and everyone of you. Thank you for always making me feel happy with just one little comment when I'm feeling down. Just one comment of something nice or even funny can make me feel so much better. You're the best.

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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