[Blue Diamond × child reader]

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[#25: Blue's Tears]

You sighed when you heard the cries of your mother figure, Blue Diamond. She had taken you from Earth when you were a baby but found a certain liking towards you, so she raised you as her own instead of putting you in the human zoo.

But Blue Diamond really cried a lot, mostly over Pink Diamond who had been shattered by a rebellious Rose Quartz gem thousands of years ago. And she was crying again right now.

You had never interrupted her when she was crying, but this time you felt the need to. You wanted to at least try to comfort her, even if it didn't work.

You stood on your feet and made your way to Blue Diamond. She was in the room that she was normally crying in. You entered the room and frowned. You really didn't like to physically see her cry. It hurt to see that.

"B-Blue?" you called to the giant gem. You called her Blue most of the time. Only on special occasions would you call her anything else.

The blue gem was on her knees and she turned her head to see you. You walked closer to her and rested a palm on her.

"Blue, why are you crying? What's the matter?" you asked, even though you knew why. Blue Diamond reached her arm down and placed her hand palm-up on the ground, a sign for you to get on. You did as you were told.

"I am terribly sorry, (Y/N). I just can't help but cry for Pink Diamond. It happened so long ago but I cannot get over it," Blue spoke softly.

You frowned and hugged her large finger. You looked into her sad-filled eyes.

"I do not know what it feels like to lose someone important to me, but I believe that it is horrible. You do not have to apologize for crying, Blue. I am always here for you," you told her, giving a sad smile.

Blue sniffled and smiled, bringing a hand towards you and petting your head with her finger.

"Thank you, (Y/N). I am so grateful to have you here with me," she said. You hugged her cheek causing her to giggle. It shook the room a bit, but you didn't mind. You were used to it.

You continued to talk with Blue Diamond about anything, trying to keep her mind off of Pink Diamond. She listened well and replied respectfully. You could tell that she enjoyed speaking with you.

The door to the room opened and there stood Yellow Diamond. She was about to get onto Blue for crying again but grinned instead when she saw you talking with her.

"Hello, Yellow Diamond. I was just speaking with Blue about the adventure Topaz and I had," you smiled widely, placing your hands behind your back. Yellow Diamond walked up to you and Blue.

"I was just going to speak with Blue, here. Do you mind if I take her from you for a bit, (Y/N)?" she asked.

"No, ma'am. I will go," you replied. Blue rested her hand on the ground, allowing you to get off. You walked out of the room and found Topaz.

You had another amazing adventure and you couldn't wait to tell Blue Diamond about it.


Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this!

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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