[Blue Diamond × toddler reader]

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[#55: The Human]

At the beginning, you were a human toddler living peacefully on the planet Earth. The next thing that you knew, a team of strange aliens equipped with gems that decorated their physical forms abducted you. You were only about 2 years old, so you didn't understand what was going on.

You didn't understand that you should've been scared.

You sat in a cell next to a few other cells filled with other humans. They were all freaking out, and some were even crying. You were confused. The only trouble that you were thought you were in was that your parents/guardians weren't there with you.

You sat down near the bars of the cell and talked endlessly to no one in particular. When you were bored, that was something you resorted to doing. The other humans were too busy hyperventilating to even take notice of you.

A large, orange being growled, annoyed at your constant noise. She slammed her fist on the cell bars and screamed for you to shut up. You began to cry, never liking when people shouted at you. The gem sighed and ran her hand down her face.

"I never want to be put on another mission to this miserable planet again! The lifeforms on Earth are so annoying!" she exclaimed, stomping away. You continued to cry until you fell asleep, dreaming of made up monsters and the gem who had yelled at you.

When you awoke, gems were grabbing humans and dragging them away. You were now terrified, pressing yourself against the corner and shaking violently. It was now silent except for your raspy, heavy breathing.

You heard booming footsteps coming down the hall and let out a small squeak, hiding your face with your hands. You began to silently sob and your eyes were pinched closed as you awaited your doom. Your cell opened and a large, purple gem stood in the entrance.

"C'mere lil' guy," she spoke softly. You looked up with puffy, red eyes and titled your head in confusion. You didn't understand why this gem wasn't loud and scary like the others. She reached an arm out, which caused you to squeal.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt ya," she told you. Without further hesitation, she scooped you into her arms. You thrashed around, screaming at the top of your lungs. She flinched, but continued with her task and carried you towards the Human Shoot.

"Amethyst?" a soft but loud voice spoke, causing the gem who held you to immediately halt. She spun around on her heels and made a diamond sign with her hands, accidentally dropping you in the process. You took off behind the taller gem, hiding behind her.

"I-I'm sorry my diamond!" Amethyst exclaimed, her eyes going wide. Blue Diamond chuckled and shook her head, "It is quite all right. Please, go on your way. I will personally take this human to the Zoo."

Amethyst didn't argue and nodded, "Yes, my diamond." She hurried away.

Blue Diamond craned her neck to look down at you. You still hid behind her, holding onto the fabric of her clothing with your eyes pinched closed. She reached a hand out and stroked your head, smiling softly.

You squeaked, pulling away from her. Blue Diamond's personal Pearl sat by, watching you with curiosity. You began to shake in fear, starting to cry again. Blue Diamond frowned and turned to look over at her pearl.

"Pearl? Calm the human down, please," she ordered. Pearl nodded and walked over to you, awkwardly patting your head, "It's okay, human." You sniffled and looked up at her, giggling quietly.

"Pretty," you mumbled, causing Pearl to blush a dark blue. You stood on short, toddler legs and wrapped your arms around the gem, squeezing her in a hug, "I like you."

Pearl looked up at her diamond. Blue motioned for Pearl to continue, so she patted your head again and said, "I like you, t-too." You giggled and nuzzled your face into her dress.

"Would you like to join me on my diamond's hand?" Pearl asked in her usual quiet voice. You looked up at the huge gem and then back at Pearl. You nodded. So Blue Diamond placed her hand palm-up on the ground and Pearl lead you onto the diamond's hand. You shook slightly, holding onto Pearl.

"Hello, little human," Blue Diamond said, a small grin on her face. You peeked up at her and looked into her soft, blue eyes. You gasped, "You pretty, too!" She chuckled and stroked your (H/C) hair with her finger. You smiled and hugged the finger.

"What's your name?" she asked smiling like a fool at your cuteness. You actually had to think to remember, "(Y/N)." She hummed in response, "What a beautiful name for such a beautiful creature." You blushed slightly and giggled.

"Silly silly," you said, releasing your grip from her finger, "your name?"

"My name is Blue Diamond, and this is Pearl," she replied, pointing to the smaller, blue gem standing beside you.

"Blue an' Pearl!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands into the air. Blue giggled, adoring the way you acted when excited. Everything you did was just so cute to the gem.

"You're so adorable," she said, beginning to walk towards the Human Zoo Shoot. You held onto her tightly, afraid of falling off. Pearl noticed this and did something risky. She acted on her own instead of by order, and hugged you as you did to her. But her diamond didn't mind at all, and you were calmed by Pearl's embrace.

You finally arrived at the Shoot and Blue Diamond placed her hand back on the ground. Pearl lead you off. You were confused and wondering where they were taking you.

"Where we go?" you asked in a tiny voice as the Shoot opened. It was a small space, which made you nervous. You held onto Pearl's dress, not wanting to let go. She frowned and sighed, looking up at Blue Diamond who was going to explain the situation.

"We can't go with you, little human. You have to go by yourself," she said, actually feeling sad. Of course she had many subjects who would tend to her wants and needs at immediate command, but they would all talk about her as if she were a lesser behind her back. She'd heard of it, once.

But you didn't seem to be like them. You hadn't known her for very long, though, but the diamond, and even the pearl, both adored you.

"W-Why you leave me?" you questioned, tears brimming in your eyes. You didn't want to be terrified and alone again. Blue Diamond sighed and stroked your hair once again.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could keep you, I really do. You're so cute... But Yellow would not allow it. And I can't keep you, anyways. I don't have the supplies. Maybe you could visit me some time..?" she said. You shrugged, staring at your feet.

You played with your fingers, sniffling softly. Blue Diamond carefully picked you up and set you in the Shoot, waving sadly as you were shut away and sent to the Human Zoo.


This was requested by Skylar017! I hope you like it!

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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