[Sapphire × toddler reader]

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[#71: The Tornado]

Ruby and Sapphire were split up. They were having a huge argument, which wasn't normal. Ruby had stormed off into her room and left Sapphire alone with you, and the other gems were all away somewhere else.

But you didn't mind. Even if Garnet was your mother and the one who had found you, Sapphire was your mother, too. You'd met her before, and you really loved her. She sat beside you and watched you as you colored.

A vision suddenly came to her. A tornado was going to hit down on Beach City. Her eye widened and she stood up abruptly.

"(Y/N), come here," she ordered in a voice that was rather calm but still had a panicked edge to it. You furrowed your eyes but did as she said, climbing to your feet and waddling over to Sapphire.

You grabbed her hand and she took it without any hesitation. She walked up to the Temple door and waited for it to open. When it did, she lead you into it.

"Woah!" you gasped, gazing around at the unfamiliar place in awe. Everything was colored blue. A few ice pillars were here and there. It was cold but not cold enough to hurt you.

"Why we here, Sapphy?" you asked, shivering at bit at the cold. Sapphire lifted her arm and bit and suddenly, the room was warmer.

"A tornado is going to hit Beach City. We'll be safe here-- in my room. The others are going to be fine, too-- I believe," she mumbled the last part. You nodded, not quite hearing her last statement.

"How long we gonna stay here?" you asked her, looking up at her. She looked around the room while humming softly and answered, "Not long. Only until the tornado is gone."

You nodded once again and began to rock back and forth on your heels out of boredom. You let go of Sapphire's hand and roamed around while she kept a good eye on you.

"Sapphy?" you called, tracing your finger around a shape carved into a stone wall.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"What's it like bein' fused all the time? You an' Ruby are always Mommy!" you exclaimed, reaching your hands up to attempt to make a visualization of your fusion mother.

Sapphire chuckled-- you'd always cheer her or Garnet up whenever she was in a dangerous situation and she was uneasy.

"Well, when I'm Garnet, I sort of... disappear. I'm not me anymore, I'm one with Ruby. We're Garnet. It's hard to explain. But I never feel alone when I'm fused," she spoke, smiling sadly at the ground.

"Awe, it's 'kay! Ruby'll come back and then you can be Mommy again!" you assured her, hugging her. You only reached up to the middle of her fluffy dress, so you couldn't hug much, but it was enough.

"I know. It's just hard without Ruby. I barely know how to function without being fused with her. She balances me out," Sapphire explained, almost getting butterflies just by thinking of Ruby.

You giggled, "You lovee herr." She grinned, "Yes, yes I do. But I also love you, Cutie-pie." She kneeled down a little and peppered your cheeks in kisses as you laughed.

Suddenly, the room started to shake slightly. It wasn't much, but it did cause some icicles to fall from the ceiling. Sapphire yanked you out of the way of an icicle right before it hit you.

"Woah! Let's do it again!" you cheered, throwing your arms into the air. Sapphire sighed and shook her head, placing you back on your feet.

The room would shake every now and then until Sapphire could tell that the tornado was over. She lead you out of the room and immediately went to check if everyone was alright.

The Crystal Gem team was found and safely tucked away in their homes, whether that be the Temple or a barn.

Well, one gem was missing. Ruby.

Sapphire was actually freaking out-- she had no idea where the little red gem was. It terrified her when she didn't know what was going to happen in the future, since it was all she'd ever known.

"Hey, it's gonna be 'kay! We're gonna find Ruby!" you assured her small, blue mother, reaching up to grab her hand. She sighed deeply and nodded, "Okay. I'm sorry."

"It's 'kay," you told her, smiling wide. She chuckled and pecked your cheek, causing you to giggle.

The Gems all went out to find Ruby except Amethyst and you. It was her turn to be on baby duty because they switched out all of the time.

You rambled on to her for a while. She wasn't ever really listening, she just nodded and acted like she was interested while stuffing her face with anything she could get her hands on.

The Gems finally returned with a poofed Ruby gem always securely held by Sapphire, who refused to let her go. You'd never seen her this emotional before.

You sat beside her as she watched Ruby's gem, which sat on a plush, red pillow on the couch. She stroked the gem and whispered apologies for things that she shouldn't have apologized for.

"Sapphy? I miss Mommy," you said softly, playing with your fingers. You didn't want to sound whiny, but you really did miss your mother, Garnet.

"I know. But Ruby will soon return and then Mommy will be back, okay?" Sapphire cooed, kissing your forehead. You grinned and nodded, "Promise?"

"Promise," the blue gem replied.

And she kept her promise. Very soon after, Ruby reformed. She didn't even hesitate to make up with Sapphire and fuse once again, making a very happy Garnet appear before you.

"Mommy!" you exclaimed, reaching out for her. She chuckled and picked you up, spinning you around and kissing your cheek. You loved Garnet with all of your heart, but you had to admit it was great to hang out with just Sapphire for once.


This was requested by Wolfgirl016. I hope you like it! This is actually a little long for my normal chapters, believe it or not.

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. I was at my Dad's and I completely lack any sort of motivation or inspiration at his house because all of the little bit of self-esteem and energy I have is sucked out of me every time I go there. So yeah.

I was wondering-- not that anyone will even answer-- maybe I should do a Q&A? Idk, it seems fun. What do you guys think? Should I do a Q&A chapter in this book?

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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