[Blue Zircon × awestruck!Aquamarine × teenaged reader]

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[#77: Trial]

I forced my eyes open and sat up, stretching out my stiff limbs. As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I realized that I definitely was not in my room. I gasped, wiping a trail of drool from my face.

I was in a strange ship-like thing. There were many, many cells, all filled with loads of different humans. My eyes widened at the sight. I grabbed onto the cell bars tightly, trying to get a look of the area.

Three weirdly-colored beings came down the hall. Two were big and yellow and never spoke. The other one was small and blue and had wings sprouting from her back. She never stopped talking.

"Hey, where the heck am I?" you shouted, anger evident in your voice. You glared at the trio until one of them looked over at her. The tiny, blue one. She chuckled and flew closer to your cage, "You, human, are in the impeccable clutches of the amazing and wondrous Aquamarine."

"You're like, 2 years old," you said, looking unimpressed. Aquamarine gasped, holding her hand to her chest like she'd been offended. She gritted her teeth, "You little--"

"What am I doing here you toddler?" you snapped, your grasp tightening around the bars of the cell. Aquamarine crossed her arms, "And why should I tell you? You just insulted me!"

You glared at her in silence for a few more seconds before lunging for her, yanking her towards the cell. It took a while for the other two beefy gems to pull the little bastard away from you, and when they did, Aquamarine mumbled something about reporting to to "the diamonds", whatever that meant.

Apparently it meant that you were going to go on trial. Your lawyer was a nervous, but effective, blue gem who's name was apparently "Blue Zircon". You rarely answered her questions, instead just leaning against the wall with your arms crossed until the strange wall opened into a door.

You followed the gem into a very wide room. Another Zircon who was colored yellow stood on the other side of the room, smirking at the two of you. Blue Zircon glared at her.

"Who's that?" you asked, motioning to the yellow gem. Blue Zircon scoffed, "She's Yellow Zircon, my rival. And boy is she good with cases." You rolled your eyes, then pointed them to the ground.

Another gem entered the room. She was familiar. She was small and blue, with wings sprouting from her back. Aquamarine. You growled under your breath, "Stupid bitch." The small gem returned your hateful gaze.

As the trial continued, Yellow Zircon was about to win the case. Blue Zircon seemed determined as she grinned, resting a hand on your shoulder as she spoke. You didn't pull away-- for once.

"I believe that (Y/N)'s actions were clearly justified. They were captured by strange beings and brought onto a ship. They were overwhelmed by the situation. They lashed out," she said, holding a hand up, "I'm sure that if any other being were feeling these emotions, they'd do the same as them."

The tiny blue gem raised an eyebrow, actually seeming impressed by the Zircon's words.

She retracted her hand from your shoulder and folded it along with her other behind her back, "We can't just go around taking these creatures and making them feel scared and weak-- because then more things like this are going to happen. It is inevitable."

The trial only lasted a bit longer. Once it ended, Blue Zircon had won and you weren't going to be punished. You smiled and hesitantly patted Blue Zircon's back, "You're not so bad. Thanks."

She blushed, "Oh, um, you're welcome. I'm just doing my job."

"And you're doing a hell of a good job with it," a voice said. You both spun around to Aquamarine once again. She had her hands on her hips as she flew closer, "I must say, I was impressed by your work back there."

Blue Zircon's eyes widened. Her face flushed and she began to stutter, "W-Well, th-thank you f-for that!" You rolled your eyes, still a little angry at the flying gem. She looked down at you, "I think we can put aside our differences, don't you? Let's restart with a clean slate."

You hesitated, turning your head up to face Blue Zircon. She gave a reassuring smile. You sighed, "Fine, toddler." Aquamarine scoffed softly, "Fine."

After a bit of silence, Aquamarine began to talk with Blue Zircon, making it very obvious that she was flirting. You shook your head at the pair.


New ship?? 👌👏👏 jk no. Courtshipping is otp.

This was requested by Aviacc98. I'm sorry that it's really bad :(. I hope you at least somewhat enjoyed it, though.

Edit: forgot to mention that Wolfgirl016 helped me a little with this! Thank you!

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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