[The Crystal Gems × defective!Ruby reader]

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[#84: Defective Rubies Get Left Behind]

"This planet looks terrible!" one of the rubies shouted angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. Everyone else agreed-- except you. You were sat in the grass, twirling a flower in between your fingers.

"I don't know, I kinda like it! It's... pretty," you said, smiling. Army Ruby, with a gem on her arm, smacked you hard, making you frown and rub your head. You glared at her.

"You can't say foolish stuff like that, Defect! You could be shattered for that crazy talk!" Eyeball Ruby growled at you. She snatched the flower from your hand and threw it on the ground, stepping on it.

You crossed your arms and sighed deeply. The other rubies already didn't like you for being a defect, and now they'd probably be twice as mean for this.

"H-Hey, what are we all doing over here?" a ruby asked. Everyone looked over at her. You squinted at the sight, trying to remember if you'd seen her before. She didn't seem familiar.

"Yeah, what are we doing here?" Leggy asked in her usual shy, confused voice as she raised her hand into the air. Doc explained it again, but you weren't listening. You just stared at the weird ruby.

You waddled over to her and studied her. She looked nervous, sweat trickling down the side of her face. Did a ruby with a gem on her palm come with us on this mission? You asked yourself, tapping your chin.

Doc announced that there were more rubies than usual, causing you to spin around and force your attention away from the ruby. You looked to Navy, who reminded everyone that there had been six rubies on the mission.

Doc counted everyone except herself, which apparently only you realized. You opened your mouth to correct her, but decided against it. She'd just get mad at you.

"Well, she's definitely not in that barn!" the weird ruby said, pointing to a barn out in the field. You hadn't even realized that everyone had started looking for the leader of the Earth mission yet. And you hadn't noticed the barn either.

Doc suggested that everyone search the barn, but the strange ruby said she'd do it by herself. She came back with a small human with curly, brown hair and a pink shirt decorated with a star.

"I checked the barn, and I just found a bunch of humans!" the ruby said, laughing nervously.

"Yup, nothing in there but us humans," the human replied, giving a weird face. You could tell this was fake, but you weren't going to say anything.

"I think we better double check. You remember what happened, last time," Doc said. You nodded, remembering the incident.

"Last time?" Ruby questioned, obviously not remembering. That caused all of your team to burst out laughing, even you.

"Alright, let's search the barn!" Doc ordered. Everyone agreed, because you couldn't go against your captain. Ruby interrupted, screaming, "Wait!" All eyes were on her.

"You can't be-because... uh..," she looked at the human desperately, who finished for her.

"You have to... uh... play baseball! Yeah, it's a human thing! If you win can go inside, and you lose youuu gotta leave forever." This seemed shady to you, but Doc agreed. You face-palmed, shaking your head.

When Ruby and the human came back from the barn, a few 'humans' were with them. You didn't think humans came in colors like blue or purple... but who were you to question that?

"We're the Humans!" the small, chubby one announced, throwing his hands in the air, "Steven!"

"Earl," a slim, pale 'human' growled, grinning slightly.

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