[The Crystal Gems × infant to toddler reader]

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[#40: The Gems' Baby]

[Part 1: Found]

"Gems! Mission!" Garnet shouted, startling all of the members of the team. Everyone gathered on the Warp Pad and it warped them away.

They arrived at the strawberry field and found a corrupted gem monster. But, they also heard... crying?

"Does it have a human infant?!" Pearl gasped, pulling out her spear. Sure enough, there was a human baby clutched in the monster's claws.

You, the baby, had puffy, (E/C) eyes that were red from crying. You wailed loudly, the horrific events from that day replaying in your mind.

The gem monster immediately dropped you and started to run towards the gems. Before you hit the ground, Garnet sped after you and grabbed you.

The monster was quickly poofed and sent to The Temple. Garnet held you as you sniffled softly, and everyone warped back to The Temple.

"Where do you think it got the baby?" Steven asked, standing on his tiptoes to get a better look at you in Garnet's arms.

"I have no idea. Who knows what this poor human has witnessed," Pearl spoke softly, staring into your scared, (E/C) eyes.

You snuggled closer into Garnet and fell asleep. Everyone stared at Garnet with admiring eyes. She just ignored it.

"They like youuu," Steven cooed with starry eyes. Garnet couldn't help but grin, "Yeah, I guess they do."

"Should we keep them?" Amethyst asked lazily, grabbing a soda from the refrigerator. She opened it and shoved the whole can in her mouth.

"I don't know if that would be a good idea..," Pearl replied. All heads turned to Garnet's eyes, which were hidden behind her visors.

"We're keeping them," Garnet decided. Steven cheered, Amethyst shrugged, and Pearl looked distressed over it all.

"They should have a name!" Steven exclaimed, excited to be making this kind of decision. He tapped his chin while humming and gazing around the room in thought.

"(Y/N)! It's perfect!" he shouted, snapping his fingers. He looked around at everyone for agreement, and they all nodded.


[Part 2: First Word]

"C'moooon! When is (Y/N) gonna start talkin'? I wanna teach them to say 'Pearl is Bird Mom'!" Amethyst sighed, watching you as you chewed on a purple teething toy.

"You will not teach them such idiotic literature! They will learn to be intelligent with their words," Pearl argued.

"I just wanna teach them to say 'Steven's awesome'!" Steven exclaimed. You were too focused on your toy to care about what they were saying.

Suddenly, the Warp Pad sounded and Garnet stepped into the room. You gasped and smiled, waving a tiny fist in the air.

"Square Mama!" you shouted, causing everyone to erupt into laughter. Garnet face-palmed and scooped you up into her arms.

"Who taught them that?" she asked the team as you played with her fingers and the gem embedded in the palm of her hand.

Everyone went silent and whistled nervously. Garnet turned to stare into each of their eyes menacingly. It only made it even more intimidating that you couldn't see her eyes.

"You all did, didn't you?" she questioned. Steven nodded slowly, causing Garnet shake her head with a grin.

"Square Mama!" you repeated. You grabbed her visors and placed them over your eyes, giggling. She gazed down at you with so much love in her three eyes.

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