[Peridot × pyrokinetic!preteen reader]

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[#20: Little Green Clod]

Ever since you were about five years old, you've had a sort of supernatural power. You could create and control fire with your mind.

The power had been passed onto you from your father's side. It had skipped his generation and went straight to you.

Your parents didn't know how to deal with your powers. They forced you to keep it a secret and never use it.

But, of course, you couldn't just go on with your life like that. Your powers were tied to your emotions. Especially when you were angry, your powers would lash out.

You accidentally burned a girl who had been annoying you. She almost died... and you never told anyone. They went with it as a mystery, the girl didn't even know what had happened, but only you knew the truth.

You'd told very few people about your powers. The people you did tell left you in fear, breaking all of the little trust you had. You never told anyone after someone close to you left you because of your secret.

Your parents moved you to a place called Beach City to get a fresh start. Beach City was beautiful and not many people were ever walking around, but you didn't mind.

"(Y/N)! Don't forget your phone on your way out!" your mother called to you before you exited the door. You felt for you phone that sat in your back pocket and gave her a thumbs up. You then made your way outside.

Wandering aimlessly, you came across a car wash. Three women-- well, one of them was a small girl-- and a living pumpkin with a party hat stuck on it's face were standing there.

The girl had dark skin and hair and had a huge, pink sword strapped onto her. The tallest woman had blue skin and hair and was washing a car with-- magical water hands? Did she have powers like you, too? She had hydrokinesis, that you knew. Then there was a small woman whose skin was green and her hair was pale yellow, shaped like a triangle. She looked like she was lifting the car into the air, but, how? She wasn't touching it! Maybe she had powers, too?

You walked over to them and stared in awe.

"Wow! That's so cool!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands into the air. The green woman turned to face you.

"Yes, indeed it is 'cool'. Wait, wait, I mean-- what is this word 'cool'? The Garnet is not 'cool'," she made her expression turn serious. You laughed at the shades she had on.

"Do you guys have magical powers or something?" you asked, planting your hands on your hips. The blue girl smirked and nodded.

You gasped with stars in your eyes. These people are so cool! Maybe I can tell them... wait-- no. No I can't. You sighed.

"What, do you have magical powers, too, human?" the green gem asked, amused. You crossed your arms over your chest. You needed to show this girl, or, whatever she was, that just because you're human doesn't mean you're not cool!

"S-sure. Yep, I do," you told her, turning away. She laughed at you, dropping the car on the ground, "Prove it!"

Your face turned red and you took a deep breath. These people would understand, right? They can't judge you; they have powers too.

The green woman rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She obviously thought she had stumped you.

"You do not have cool powers like us, do you? You are just a human, and humans don't have powers," she stated matter-of-factly.

You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists at your sides. Fine, I'm gonna show her who's boss.

You lit a small fire on the ground where she stood and she jumped up, squealing like a child. You laughed and pointed tauntingly at her.

"H-hey! How'd you do that?!" she shrieked in her nasally voice. You smirked and answered with, "Magic."

"Okay, I guess you do have cool magical powers, you clod! But that doesn't mean anything!" she exclaimed.

You shrugged and lit the ground where she stood on fire again, giggling as she jumped around.

"Argh! You clod!" she shouted, clenching her teeth together. She was pretty annoying at times, but you learned that she had a soft spot, too. She was actually pretty cool when you got to know her.

You hung out with your metal and water controlling friends all the time after that. Peridot was a really good friend to you, even when you told her about the accident that happened with that girl years ago. She told you that everyone makes mistakes and that it was okay.

You learned to love yourself again because of that little green clod.


Heyo! I love my smol green clod, wbu? Peri is so cute honestly.

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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