[Navy Ruby × child reader]

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[#68: The Shooting Star]

The night was dark. The sky-- pitch black in color-- was only illuminated by a small speckle of stars as they shined, twinkling softly.

You sat in the soft, green grass of the empty field, surrounded by a few scattered trees. There was only silence besides the small chirping noises of crickets once and a while.

You picked at a tiny flower with pink petals. You twirled the plant in your fingers, admiring what you could see in the dim lighting of the stars.

Suddenly, the color on the flower seemed to brighten, as if a light was beaming towards you. You raised an eyebrow and looked up to see an object on fire, shooting across the sky.

You, being a small, 9 year-old child, thought that it was a shooting star at first sight. You dropped the tiny plant and gasped, pinching your (E/C) eyes closed.

You mumbled your dearest wish quietly to yourself, hoping with all of your heart for it to come true:

"I wish I had a family."

That wish was something you'd wanted for a long time. You'd been alone for years-- so long that you had almost began to forget what it felt like to even have a friend.

You stared at the "shooting star" with a pleading look, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. You sighed and furrowed your eyebrows softly, staring down at the green grass that cushioned you.

The faint sound of screaming caught your ears' attention. You turned your head up to look at the ablaze object moving across the sky. It seemed to be getting closer as the screaming noise got louder.

You gasped and climbed to your feet, watching as the object slammed into the ground. You chased after it, your eyes widening at the sight of a large crater in the ground.

In the crater sat a short, red being that took the shape of a female. You stared at it until it started to groan and sat up, rubbing its head-- which was sure to be aching from that fall.

Her dark eyes locked on yours, widening as they did so. You shrieked and jumped up, ducking behind a nearby tree for shelter. The being stood.

"Hey, wait! Come back!" she called in a shrill voice, crawling out from the crater that she had indented into the Earth's surface. You didn't trust her just yet, so you kept yourself hidden behind the tall tree.

"W-Where'd you go?" she asked, clasping her hands together as she gazed around the area, her eyes searching for you. You shook slightly, scared of what she might do.

She seemed to sadden in expression and she frowned, staring down at her boots. Your face softened at the sight. You didn't like to see people sad.

You slowly crept out of your hiding spot and took the being in, examining her strange form. What really caught your attention was the red gem embedded into her navel.

She noticed you and looked up, her lips curling up into a wide smile, "Hey! I'm Ruby! What's your name?" You couldn't help but giggle a little at how cute she was.

"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you," you replied, holding a hand out for a handshake. She stared at your hand in confusion, not completely aware of all of Earth's creature's greetings.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I... I'm giving you a handshake. Don't you know what that is?" you replied. She only shook her head. She grabbed your hand and shook it, though, even if she didn't understand why, "Am I... doing it right?"

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