[The Slinker × child reader]

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[#80: Slinker]

You were adventuring through your gem friend, Amethyst's, room, searching for the creature currently known as the 'Slinker'-- a name that was given to it by Steven.

You didn't have many friends and you believed that maybe you could befriend this creature. Even it couldn't speak, you thought that maybe it could be good company.

You were getting frustrated. There hadn't been any sign of the Slinker. You crossed your arms and shouted loudly, roughly kicking some trash on the ground. An empty can bounced across the floor, clinking everytime it hit the ground.

You were about to walk away when you felt something wrap around your ankle. You were jerked backwards, which sent you flying face-first into the ground. You screamed and dug your fingers into the ground, attempting to not be dragged away.

You looked behind you to see the Slinker. It had one of its tentacles wrapped around your ankle as it tried to pull you towards it. You groaned and pushed yourself away from it.

"Hey, just let me go, and we can be friends! If you eat me, them we mostly can't hang out, right?" you said, trying to be funny. Apparently, the Slinker wasn't amused. It just yanked harder.

"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice," you mumbled, sighing afterwards. You used your other foot to kick the tentacle which held you as hard as you could.

The Slinker made an inhuman noise and its tentacle retracted slowly, like a slithering snake. You quickly climbed to your feet and watched as the creature dove back into the garbage piles.

"Awe, wait! Come back! We were almost friends!" you whined, throwing your hands into the air. You then crossed your arms over your chest and glared at nothing in particular.

You began to tear up, thinking that you'd forever be alone. No one wants to be your friend, not even a horrifying, lonely gem monster. You thought, wiping tears from under your eyes. You sniffled, staring at your feet.

You heard a can being thrown behind you and spun around on your heels, your eyes wide. The Slinker was on the floor, seemingly staring at you-- even though it didn't have eyes.

You stepped closer to it, causing it to quickly crawl back. You called after it desperately. It stopped and just stood there in silence. You slowly crept forward, trying not to startle the thing.

"Hey, buddy. I'm just a harmless little human. I just wanna be your friend. What do you say, little buddy? Wanna be my friend?" you questioned, knowing that you wouldn't get a reply.

You stayed in complete silence and suddenly smiled, "I'll take that as a yes." You sighed, "Since you're my friend now, we have to do friend things. Friends tell each other stuff. I'll start.

"I feel like the gems don't like me 'cause I'm just a human. I feel like a burden to them. I can't really help them much because I don't have super awesome powers like them. And I don't really have anyone to talk to. I'm always really lonely."

You frowned, "That's why I came o find you. I thought, 'Maybe Slinker just wants a friend'. It must get lonely here by yourself in all of Amethyst's garbage." Slinker was still in the same spot.

"But now we're not lonely, 'cause we're both friends!" you exclaimed, laughing a little.

The Slinker inched forward, moving a tentacle near your face. You instinctively pulled back, throwing your hands in front of your face.

Slinker almost turned to run off. You frowned, "Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Please don't go." The creature stood still before reaching out for your face again.

"Hey, dude! You in here?" the familiar voice of Amethyst called. The Slinker quickly dove back into the trash pile, never to be seen again. You stared at where it had just gone.

"There you are! We've been looking all over for you, man!" Amethyst shouted, slapping your back. You flinched at the contact, but didn't say a thing.

"Dude, you okay?" Amethyst asked, standing in front of your face and shaking your shoulders. You smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just came in here to think. That's okay, right?"

Amethyst rolled her eyes, "Sure, buddy, whatever you want. Pearl's been looking for you. Let's go." You nodded and began to follow the gem to the exit. The door opened and Amethyst stepped out. You did the same.

As the door shut, you kept your eyes on the last spot you'd seen your newly found friend. You grinned slightly and whispered, "I'll be back, friend."


This was requested by Aviacc98, hope you liked it. This was pretty different than the usual stuff, but I think it's okay.

This was written very quickly at 4am so it's probably got some mistakes and it's probably not the best.

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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