Chapter 69

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Fred practically carries me out of the wedding tent. All of the Death Eaters have either left or were killed. I am set down on the grass and I let out a breathy sigh. I use my left hand to wipe off the blood from my nose. Some Death Eater punched me pretty hard. Fred and George sit beside me and then lay their heads down in the grass. I do the same and grab their hands. We have come so far from my first day of school. I now know that im not just some innocent girl who has to be protected all of the time, I am a strong person who can defend herself. I started off just being best friends with these boys, now one of them is my boyfriend and the other is like a brother to me. I get to my feet and the Twins do the same. I head over to Molly and Arthur who are trying to calm everyone down. I see Remus talking with Tonks and immediately rush over to them. Tonks is pulled into a tight hug and I ask,"Are you ok?" She nods and responds,"Im doing fine and so is the baby." A sigh of relief escapes my lips. Remus hugs me softly and says,"I am more worried about you. How are you feeling? Crucio can do a number on a person physically and mentally." The memory of the pain comes flashing back but I push it away,"I think im ok. If it wasnt Fleur I would probably still be on the ground in pain." Remus nods and kisses the top of my head,"Im glad youre well. Now you better go tell Fred that you arent hurt. I have never seen somebody that scared. When he saw you hit by the curse he looked like he had seen a ghost." I nod and walk over to Fred. Without saying anything I stand on my tip-toes, grab the sides of his face, and kiss him with as much passion as I can. This kiss really validates the phrase,'Actions speak louder than words'. I dont care who sees us, I just want to make sure Fred knows that I am ok. After what seems like forever we pull away for air. He leans his forehead against mine and I feel more than content. I will make sure that neither of us get hurt. 

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