Chapter 88

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Authors Note: The photo above is Rayla's dress, makeup, and hair for this chapter

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Authors Note: The photo above is Rayla's dress, makeup, and hair for this chapter.

I open my eyes and immediately smile. Today is Fred and I's wedding and I am certain I cant be more excited. I hop out of bed and notice Fred and George are already gone. They are most likely getting ready at the Burrow right now. I walk into the living area and notice Rosalie sitting on the couch. My eyes widen and I run over to her. She gets off of the couch and hugs me tightly. After we pull away she says,"Fred and George let me in before they left. Im here to help the bride-to-be get ready for her big day." I smile and say,"Thank you so much. I could use some help." She walks over to a bag on the floor and grabs the wedding dress I picked out. I raise my eyebrows and she says,"I got it from Molly earlier today. She is setting things up at the burrow. We have to be there by one o'clock, since the wedding is at two. " I nod and the two of us walk into my room. She hands me the dress and then turns around. I take off my pajamas and then slip the dress over my head. I tap Rosalie's shoulder and she turns back around to face me. She smiles and says,"You look amazing. Now lets get your hair and makeup done."

I stand in the doorway of the burrow and let out a shaky breath. Arthur comes up from behind me and asks,"Are you ready?" I nod and he holds out his arm. I take his lightly and he opens the door. I let out a small gasp when I see the layout. There is a trail of wildflowers on the ground leading up to Fred and McGonagall. The new headmaster agreed to marry us the second we asked. There are rows and rows of chairs where people are sitting. The second they see Arthur and I they all stand up. My grip on the bouquet of flowers tightens and I can feel a tear slip down my cheek when I see Fred standing at the end of the trail. Arthur and I start walking down the trail and with each step I feel even more happier. I reach the end of the trail and Arthur hugs me tightly. He whispers in my ear,"Im so proud of you." He wipes a tear of of my face with his thumb and smiles. He grabs puts my hand in Fred's and walks away to sit down. Fred grins at me with tears in his eyes. McGonagall clears her throat and says,"Today we are here to join Frederick Gideon Weasley and Rayla Anne Williams in matrimony. Fred here asked me if we could, as he says, 'Keep it short and sweet'. So will the two of you please recite your vows." I look at Fred and say,"Since the day I met you, I have known I would love you for the rest of my life. You make me feel whole. I vow to love you as you love me, through all hardship, darkness, and pain to reach for our joys, our hopes, and always with honesty and faith. All I have in this world I give to you, I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life." Fred lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. He looks me in the eyes and it almost feels like we are the only people in the world. He smiles at me and says,"You have been my greatest accomplishment in life. Your love gives me hope. Your smile gives me joy. You make me a better man. I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day." I can feel the tears free falling down my face at his words. The headmaster asks George for the rings and he hands one to Fred and one to me. Fred slips the ring on my ring finger and I do the same to him. The wedding band sits just above my engagement ring. McGonagall even has a few tears in her eyes as she says,"Now with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Fred steps towards me and rests his hands on the sides of my face. His lips collide with mine and it feels like a million fireworks are going off. I hear everyone cheer around us and we pull away from the kiss. Fred and I are finally married and have a baby on the way. Life couldnt get any better then this.

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