Chapter 18

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Its the last day of school and I have been avoiding Fred and George all week. Every time they come close I run away. I just dont know how to tell them that i'm leaving. Nobody other than Rosalie knows I'm leaving. I am currently sitting in Herbology and I can feel Fred and George staring at me from the other side of the room. I want to tell them but I would start crying and I can't have them see me like that again. I hear Sprout dismiss us to leave and I quickly pack up and start walking out. As I reach the door I feel a hand on my wrist stopping me from leaving. I turn and see the Twins staring at me. I try pulling away but Fred keeps his grip and he says,"Will you please just tell us what is going on?" I try to hold back the tears and say,"Can we just go to lunch and then I will tell you?" They both nod and we walk together to the great hall.

We reach the great hall and the Twins sit at the Ravenclaw table with me. I reach into my pocket and feel the rough piece of parchment thats been in my pocket for days now. I pull it out and slide it over to Fred and George to read together. I watch as their eyes scan the paper. George must have finished first because his eyes go wide and he looks at me. Fred finishes the letter and immediately pulls me into a tight hug. He buries his head into my shoulder. I feel drops of water fall onto my shoulder and I look up to see if there is a leak in the roof but see nothing. Then it hits me, Fred Weasley is crying. I pull his head away from me and use my hand to wipe away some of his tears. I smile and say to the Twins,"You two have made this year the best time of my entire life." They both hug me tighter. The train leaves in about an hour so we still have some time. We finish eating and just sit there. I have my head on Fred's shoulder and i'm holding Georges hand. These two are my best friends and I dont want to leave them.

The final hour passes and we walk to the train as slow as possible in order to spend more time together. We sit in the same compartment we did at the beginning of the year. Im wearing the jumper I got from Molly and cant help but tear up that I will never be able to thank her in person. I feel the train slowly start to stop. I look at Fred and he smiles at me. Even in one of the saddest moments of my life he still manages to make me smile. We make our way out of the train and I see a group of three red heads waiting. I look over at George and say,"Is that your family?" He nods in response and I cant help but smile. The twins bring me over to their parents and sister. Molly smiles at me with one of the warmest smiles. She looks me over and says,"You must be Rayla." I nod and say,"I am. Thank you so much for the jumper Mrs.Weasley." She laughs and says,"Call me Molly dear." She then comes up to me and hugs me. Now I know where Fred gets his warm hugs. I can hear my mothers voice calling out my name. I look over at the twins with tears in my eyes. I walk up to George and kiss his cheek and hug him. I then walk over to Fred and stand on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. I smile and hug them both and say,"Thank you so much for this year. I love you guys." I cant control the tears flowing down my face as I walk over to my mother. She hugs me and we walk out of the station. Before we exit I look back and wave at the Twins. They both make a silly face in return and I giggle. Here I come America.

-------------------------------------------------Two Years Later----------------------------------------------------------

I drop my schedule as I run through the hall. I finally make it to the room and I walk in slowly in order not to disrupt anyone. I look around the room and see some of my friends. "Youre late Miss Williams," Snape says in his deep voice that I honestly missed. I look up and see two red heads sitting at one of the front tables. They both look back at the same time and I cant help but smile, The Weasley Twins. They both get up and rush over to me with shocked looks. They ignore Snapes protests. I am engulfed into a tight hug. they let go after a few seconds and I can immediately pick out the boy I have had feelings for since the day I met him three years ago...Fred Weasley.

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