Chapter 42

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I walk into DADA with dread and it has only been two weeks since school started. Luckily its my last class of the day. I love reading but Umbridge should be teaching us actual spells. She acts like everything in the world is fine and claims there in no threat to Hogwarts. Umbridge slams a book in front of each of us an tells us to read. There is a few first years in this class and I always have to help them with reading tips so they dont get detention. Umbridge walks over to a Hufflepuff first year and asks,"Why didnt you finish the book I assigned you yesterday? Would you like to have detention." I cant bite my tongue any longer,"Will you leave her alone? She is only a first year!" Umbridge walks over to me and 'sweetly' says,"That will be detention after class Miss Williams." I throw my head into my hands and Luna whispers,"That was very brave of you." I take my head out of my hands and smile at her. 

I walk up to Umbridge's office with her after class and see it is all pink and filled with plates and cups they have cats on them. Totally not creepy at all. She has me sit in a desk in front of her own. She sets a quill and parchment in front of me,"Please write 'I will respect my professor' on the parchment 10 times." I pick up the quill and set it to the parchment I write the sentence but gasp at the sharp pain on the back of my hand. I look down and see that the sentence has been cut into my skin. I notice that the ink on the parchment isnt actually ink, but blood. Umbridge smirks at me and says,"Nine more times please." I do as she says and bite down on my lip as the words are carved deeper into my skin each time I write. I set the quill down after the last sentence and Umbridge says,"Very good. You may leave now." I calmly walk out of the room and into the hall. I rush to the library and spot the Twins waiting for me. I run over to them and a sob escapes my lips. Fred quickly takes me into his arms and George says,"Please dont tell us she made you use a blood quill." I nod and Fred lets go of me. He starts walking off saying,"She is gonna pay." George and I pull him back and I say,"It will be fine Freddie. Please just sit down." He does as I say and sits on the floor. I sit net to him and George sits on the other side of him. Fred take my hand with the writing on it and kisses the wound softly. I blush a bit but giggle when George fake gags. I playfully hit him,"Oh knock it off Georgie." George chuckles and asks,"All in favor of making Umbridge's life a living hell while she is at Hogwarts?" The three of us raise our hands laughing.

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