Chapter 66

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Authors Note: Ok so first things first I just wanted to thank all of you beautiful readers for supporting this book as much as you do and I wanted to tell you how much your reads inspire me to write more. The entire time I was writing this chapter I was singing 'Au Revoir' by One Republic, I think the song really fits with the theme of the writing

I lay in bed wide awake just staring at the blank wall. Fred is lightly snoring beside me and I wish I was able to fall asleep as easy as him during these times. I run my hand through my hair as thoughts rush through my head like a tornado. What if I loose Fred? I wouldn't be able to stand living without him. I sigh and quietly get out of bed. I walk over to the door and open it softly before stepping out into the rest of the flat. I step into the kitchen and hop onto the counter next to the sink. I close my eyes to try and stop the thoughts from flooding my mind. My breath catches when I hear a creaking sound echo through the flat but calm down when I feel a warm hand on each side of my waist. I flutter my eyes open and I meet Freds warm brown eyes. I study the worried expression plastered cross his face and ask,"Why are you up?" He responds,"I could ask you the same thing, Rayla." I can almost feel the worry coming off of him. I lean my forehead against his,"Promise you wont leave me? I know I have asked you to promise this before, but I just need to hear it again." Fred's face softens a bit and he says,"I promise that I wont ever leave you. You're stuck with me,love." I smile at his words and place my lips softly on his. He kisses back and moves his right hand from my waist to the back of my neck. After a bit we pull away from the kiss. Fred easily picks me up into his arms and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. I bury my face into his shoulder and smile a bit. He walks into our room and kicks the door shut behind him. I am placed onto the bed gently and Fred climbs on top of me and lays his head on my chest. I giggle softly and run my hand through his hair gently. Fred leans his head up and places a quick peck on my lips before returning to his original spot. His warmth calms my nerves and I finally feel my eyes get heavy. I hear Fred whisper,"Love you." With his words I fall into a deep sleep. 

This chapter is dedicated to UmbitchgoseeCedrid

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