Chapter 100

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George helps me out of the chair and I notice everyone one around us is clearing a path to the door. I feel a light contraction hit me and I hunch over and my mouth flies open in pain. George looks down at me and asks,"What's wrong?" I look at him and yell,"I'm having a baby that's what's wrong!" George's face goes beat red out of surprise and says,"Where am I taking you?" I think it over as we walk out the door and say,"I want to go to the Burrow. The contractions are far apart and the doctor told me I will be ok to wait for a little bit if they are far apart." He nods and we quickly apparate in front of the Burrow." George wings the door open and sees the rest of the family and Harry sitting eating dinner. Molly looks confused at our sudden intrusion and George says,"Her water broke and Fred is in another country." Arthur and Molly jump to their feet and run over to me to help me sit down on a chair. I feel another contraction hit me and I groan out in pain. Harry and Ginny walk over to me and they each take one of my hands in theirs. Molly looks at me and asks,"How far apart are the contractions and how long do they last?" I shake my head and say,"I think it's about 12 minutes apart and they last for a couple minutes." Molly looks at Arthur with a stern face and says,"You need to get Freddie as quickly as you can." Arthur nods at his wife and runs to the fireplace. I see the green fire from floo powder and suddenly Arthur is gone. Ginny starts rubbing circles on my baby bump and whispers,"Shh It will be ok. Dad will get Fred here as soon as possible." I screw my eyes shut and respond,"I can't have this baby without him." Ginny nods and gets up to get me a glass of water.

I yell out in pain as yet another contraction washes over me. They are starting to get closer together and they last longer. Molly checks the clock again and says,"Where in Merlin's name are they?" I hear the door swing open and look over to see Draco standing there soaked from the rain. George sent him an owl explaining what is going on. Draco rushes over to me and kneels in front of me. He presses a hand to my sweaty forehead and says,"It'll be alright, Rayla. I promise." I nod and reach out for his hand as a sharp pain courses through my body. I let out a sob and ask,"Where is my husband? Arthur left an hour ago!" Molly frowns and says,"I'm sure they will be here soon." Tears flow down my face and everyone looks at me with a sad look on their faces. I need Freddie here as soon as possible, this baby won't wait forever. I grip onto the sides of the chair to keep my body from shaking due to crying. Molly paces over to me and says,"Rayla Weasley this baby is coming soon and you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible." I shake my head and say,"But Fred isnt here yet and I can't have this baby without him." Before Molly can respond George puts his hands on my shoulders and stares into my eyes before saying,"Yes you can and you will. Freddie might not be at your side when you have this baby but we sure as hell will be." I see a few tears welling up in his eyes and nod,"Ok, let's do this."

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