Chapter 71

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I open my eyes to the feeling of Fred's lips trailing across my skin. I watch as he trails from one of my shoulders to the other. I giggle when he peppers my face in kisses. He moves back down to my collarbone and sucks lightly. I sigh softly at the feeling before Fred looks up at me and says,"Good luck covering that one up." I quickly get out of bed and run out of the room and into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see a deep purple hickey resting just above my right collar bone. I storm back into the room and say,"What in Godric's name am I supposed to tell George when he sees it?" Fred just chuckles,"Tell him thats its a bug bite." I roll my eyes at him and throw a pair of shorts on under Fred's sweater and walk out the door. George walks out of his own room and into the kitchen. He grabs breakfast for the three of us and sets it on the table. I sit across from him and he asks,"Whats with the bruise on your neck?" I blush deeply and quickly say,"I think a bug bit me." He eyes me until Fred sits beside me. Fred looks at his brother and says,"Morning Georgie." George smirks and responds,"Morning bug." My blush deepens and Fred starts coughing to cover up his own laughter. I playfully slap his arm,"It's not funny." George looks at me and says,"It is a bit funny." I hide my face in my hands, quite embarrassed. Fred wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses the side of my head.

After we all head back to our rooms to get ready for the day. I throw on a lacy, white summer dress and white flats. I braid my hair fairly quickly and then sit on the bed next to Fred who is staring at me in awe. I look over to him and say,"Take a picture, It will last longer." He laughs and gets off of the bed. He walks over to his trunk and pulls out a Polaroid camera. It's one that muggles use. He waltzes back to me and says,"Well if you insist." Before I can question Fred, he catches my lips with his. I hear the camera click and Fred pulls away. I watch as the photo exits the bottom of the camera. Fred grabs it and sets it aside saying,"Now we wait." As we wait Fred changes into actual clothes and I notice the faintest scar on his abdomen from the cut that was there just the night before. After he finishes getting ready he grabs the photo from the side table and sits down next to me. Fred shows me the picture and I cant help but smile widely. He managed to capture the perfect picture of us kissing. Fred grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. Before letting my hand go he licks it like the weirdo he is. I yell out,"Freddie! Why did you do that?" I wipe of his saliva and pounce on top of him, so he is underneath me. I straddle his waist and he says,"You know we could be doing a lot better things in this position." An idea pops into my head, so I ask,"You mean like this?" I lean down and kiss his passionately. I pull away and then trail kisses down his neck, most likely leaving hickeys (Payback). Fred does something that I havent heard quite this loud, he moans. I giggle and continue kissing him. Freds hands find their way to my hips and he rubs them lightly. I kiss him once more before hopping off of him and walking out of the room. I hear Fred yell,"Thats not fair and you know it! Rayla please come back!" I laugh and ignore him and George comes out of his room and asks,"Do I even want to know?" I shake my head and walk over to sink to the a glass of water. Before I can even take a sip of the water I feel a pair of hands at my waist. I then realize that I am now lifted over Fred's shoulder. He carries me into our room and kicks the door shut behind him. He throws me onto the bed and starts tickling me. I laugh with each touch and cry out,"Ok! I'm sorry! Please stop!" He stops and says,"Don't ever do that again." I nod and grab him by the collar of his white button up shirt. I kiss him softly and when I pull away he says,"Much Better."

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