Chapter 15

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It is a few weeks after Christmas and i'm reading in the library. However my reading is interrupted when Ron comes up to me takes my book away. Before I can protest he whispers,"Rayla I really need to show you something." I give in and let him lead me out of the library. After a couple minutes of walking we reach a room. We walk in and all that is in there is a large mirror in the middle of the room. Ron smiles at me and says,"Step in front of the mirror and tell me what you see." I sigh but do as he says. I look into the mirror but it's me but... older? I look like i'm a 7th year. I continue looking at my older self and then I see... Fred? I watch Fred kiss me. Fred then moves his hand down to my stomach. I look down and see what I wasn't expecting at all.... a baby bump?!? I gasp and walk away from the mirror and start to pace. I whip my head to Ron and say,"What was that? Did you see what I saw?" Ron shakes his head and says,"The mirror shows you what you most desire, nothing more and nothing less." I feel my knees start to give out. Ron rushed over to me and holds me up. He then asks,"What did you even see?" I look at him and say,"Promise you wont be mad at me?" He nods and I continue,"I have a crush on Fred. I saw an older me, I think I was a 7th year. Then I saw an older Fred. He kissed me and then he... put his hand on older me's baby bump." His eyes widen and he hugs me closer. He smiles and says,"I had a feeling you liked him. Is that really what you desire the most?" I feel tears prick my eyes and I say,"I guess deep down I really do want that." He smirks and hugs me tighter. He then laughs and says,"You would be a great sister in-law." I jokingly gasp and lightly hit Ron's arm. Ron and I walk out of the room and go back to the library. When we arrive we see Fred and George goofing off in the corner. We laugh and join them. I'm glad that I told another person about my feelings. Fred smiles at me and I smile back. He jokingly winks at me and I throw a book at him. I fight back from going over and hugging him. That mirror was right, I want to grow old with that boy.

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