Chapter 54

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It's been a week since I found out Sirius died and I have barely gotten out of bed. The Twins try and get me up but I always refuse. Fred walks into our room and sits next to me,"Ok love. You have to get up. You have lost an unhealthy amount of weight from not eating and I want you to feel better." He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist an bury my head in the crook of his neck. He brings me over to the bathroom and turns on the water. The tub starts filling up and Fred sets me down on the bathroom counter and turns around. I huff and take off my clothes and sit in the tub. I sigh a bit when I feel the hot water hit my cool skin. Fred turns back around and kisses my forehead softly,"George and I will be downstairs. If you feel up to it you can help us in the shop, if not... I understand." I nod and he walks out of the bathroom. 

I step out of the bath and walk into Fred and I's room. I pull on my Weasley sweater and jean shorts.I stroke Artemis's wings and walk down the stairs to the shop and spot the Twins trying to sell things to an elderly woman. I smile for the first time in a week and head over to Fred and George. I grab onto Fred's hand. He glances back at me and smile. The woman looks at the two of us and says,"You two make a lovely couple." Fred chuckles,"Thank you mam." The woman turns to George and says,"I would love to buy that box for my grandson." George nods and helps the woman check out. Once they walk away Fred turns around and hugs me,"Im glad you came down." I nod and kiss him quickly. He smiles at me but is called by George. He sighs and leaves me to see what his brother needs. I stare out at the crowd of customers. I walk down a couple of stairs and start organizing stands. 

I am in the middle of cleaning up a few spilled candies when I spot Remus walking into the shop. I run over to him and hug him. He hugs me back gently and says,"Im glad to see you up and around. How are you feeling?" I pull my hair back into a ponytail and say,"It's getting better. I just miss him a lot." Remus nods,"Thats normal. He did love you more than anything in this entire world." I nod and hug him again. I pull away and he says,"Well I better get going. We have a lot of planning to do." I nod and watch as he exits the shop. Fred comes up from me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the back of my head. I dont know what I would do without this Weasley. 

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