Chapter 91

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I walk into the small graveyard with Fred by my side. I turn to face him and say,"I think I need to do this on my own." He nods and I keep walking. I stop in front of a fairly new headstone and look down to stare at the name. My mothers name is carved into the stone and I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I wasnt able to bring myself to go to her funeral. I miss her so much. I look down at the grass beneath me and say,"Hello mum, I miss you. I wish you were able to be at Fred and I's wedding. Arthur walked me down the aisle, but it just wasn't the same. I want you to be there when the baby is born. Remember when I was 7, and I had fallen off of the horse at the farm we used to own? I started crying but you scooped me into your arms and told me that I always needed to get back up on my feet no matter how far I fell. Well when you died I fell harder than I ever have, and now I just dont know how to get back up. I try to stay positive for Fred, but it's hard mum. I just want all of you back. I miss you, Sirius, Remus, and Tonks." I fall to my knees and sob out,"Just come back!" Fred rushes over and wraps his arms around me. I cry into his shirt as he repeats,"It's ok, love. I am right here." After a few minutes of crying Fred lifts me to my feet and apparates us back to the flat. Fred sets me down on the kitchen counter and stands in between my legs. I rest my forehead against his and sigh out. Fred steps away for a moment and then hands me a cup of water. I take a sip of it but before I can set it back down Fred says,"Try and drink the rest of it. You cried a lot and that means you lost a lot of fluid. So for your sake and the baby's, drink some more." I nod and drink the remaining water in the cup. I meet Fred's eyes and say,"I'm sorry." Fred looks and me with a confused look,"For what?" He takes my hands in his and I say,"For what just happened. I didnt think I would break down like that. I just feel so broken recently. Im happy that I have you, George, and a baby on the way. But I still lost so many people. I lost my mother, my uncle, and the man who was like a father to me. I try to stay happy and strong for you, but its gets harder everyday." I glance up at Fred and I see that he has tears in his eyes. My heart brakes at the sight but before I can say anything else Fred lets go of my hands and rest his hands on the sides of my face. He wipes away the stray tears on my face and says,"I am so sorry that you have felt this way, I am even more sorry that you felt like you could not tell me. I know for a fact that all of the ones we have lost are looking down at us and protecting us in their own way. I promise that you will never loose me. Youre stuck with me for good. If you ever are feeling like that again, just promise me you will come and talk to me."  I nod and he peppers kisses everywhere on my face but my lips. I playfully pout until he finally kisses my lips. I smile into the kiss and feel a huge weight lift off of my shoulders. We pull away from the kiss and Fred takes me into a hug. I hug back and then hear a door creak open. George sees Fred and I hugging and yells,"Family hug!" He rushes over and joins the hug. The three of us laugh and I feel really happy. We have lost people close to us, but I am also bringing new life into the world in just 6 months. I sigh out in content as I am sandwiched in between the Twins. We all let go and I jokingly say,"Pretty sure even the baby felt how tight you two were hugging me." 

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