Chapter 55

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It's the end of summer and that means business is booming. Many of the students are visiting the shop while shopping for school things. The golden trio and Ginny walk into the shop and I cant stop myself from running over and hugging Harry. He lost Sirius just like I did. He laughs and hugs me back,"Well hello to you too." I hug Ron,Ginny, and Hermione. I leave them to tell the Twins they arrived. I spot Fred and George standing up some stairs and rush over to them. I kiss Fred's cheek and say,"Your brother and sister are here. So are Harry and Hermione." Before they can respond Ron asks,"How much for this?" They answer in unison,"Five Galleons." They try to keep walking but Ron says,"How much for me?" They say confused,"Five...Galleons." Ron sounds a bit irritated,"But im your brother." The Twins look at each other for a moment before saying,"Ten Galleons!" They keep walking around and I laugh at the banter. I spot Hermione and Ginny by the love potions and walk over to them. I whisper to Hermione,"So I heard that you may have a crush on a...certain Weasley." I wiggle my eyebrows playfully as Hermione lightly hits my arm. Fred and George come over and say,"Hello Ladies." I zone out of the conversation until I hear,"I heard you were dating one Dean Thomas." Ginny seems flustered now,"It's none of your business." The Twins laugh and walk off to only Merlin knows where. I turn to Hermione,"I thought she liked Harry?" Hermione shrugs,"So did I." I spot Fred down an aisle and run off to catch him. He spots me and hugs me quickly. I lean up and kiss him but am interrupted by Harry coughing awkwardly. I pull away from Fred,who has red cheeks, and say,"Hello Harry." He stutters a bit,"Can I speak with you for a moment?" I nod and follow Harry to a corner. He asks,"How are you doing? With Sirius that is." I sigh,"It was rough at first but it slowly gets better. I miss him everyday." Harry nods,"So do I. But hey I heard that Fred has been really helpful with all this." I nod and smile to myself,"He is beyond supportive and I love him everyday for that. Now you better get going before Ron and Hermione leave without you." He glances back before nodding to me. He runs off to catch up with his friends. 

I open the door to the flat and trudge inside. I groan and playfully drape myself across the Twins who are sitting on the couch. George laughs and says,"Tired, are we?" I nod,"I dont know how you two are rarely tired." Fred chuckles,"Because we have longer legs so we dont have to take as many step and jump to reach the high shelves." I gasp and lightly smack him. George laughs and moves my legs off of his. I frown and he says,"I gotta go send a letter." I raise my eyebrow but he ignores it and walk away. I look to Fred and he answers my thoughts,"He is probably sending another love letter to Angelina." I laugh at the thought of George writing love letters. I sit up and move to where George was sitting. I lean my head on Fred's shoulder and he takes my left hand in his right. He spins the ring he gave me in circles and says,"I love you." I blush at these words again,"I love you too Freddie." 

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