Chapter 50

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I sit down at the desk and stare down at the  papers in front of me. Today we are all taking the OWL's and I really dont know if I can focus. I glance behind me to try and see of I can spot the Twins. I havent spoken to either of them since Fred asked me to leave with him. I still dont know what I am going to do. I love school and I love my friends, but I also love Fred and want to be with him. Umbridge is walking up and down the aisles of students studying each of us with a close eye. I hear a loud bang and I jump a bit in my seat. Everyone looks around trying to figure out what the noise was. It happens again and Umbridge walks to the door. She looks both ways and steps out into the hallway. The noise gets louder each time. Wait a minute, didnt the Twins come up with a firework that you dont have to light? Oh no, the Twins! The both soar past Umbridge on their brooms and throw fireworks around the room. I smile up at them. Everyone gets out of their seats and throws their tests around. Umbridge runs around and yells at people to sit back down and stop goofing off. I stand up on my desk and wave at them. George waves back and winks. I laugh and run out into the courtyard as they fly out. People follow me and cheer. I spot Flitwick throw his fist into the air. You know these tests really do suck. I turn and hug Rosalie. She hugs back but then says,"Wait why are you hugging me?" I laugh and say,"Because I am about to do something crazy." I push past people and run across the courtyard. Instead of stopping at the edge where there is a large drop off like a sane person, I yell out Fred's name and step onto the stone rail separating me from open air. Fred turns around and smiles at me. He nods to me knowing what I am planning. I truly am insane. I turn around to face the large crowd of people. I take a tiny step back and McGonagall yells my name. Everyone gasps at me standing at the edge. I smile and close my eyes. I fall backwards and plummet down. I fall for only a few seconds before feeling a hand around my waist. I open my eyes to Fred pulling me onto his broom. We fly up to meet George and the Twins throw fireworks. One makes a giant 'W' and I laugh. Everyone in the crowd on the ground cheer when they see more fireworks. McGonagall winks at me and I smile and hold onto Fred tighter. The twins fly off but turn around and head to the window to my room. I knock on the window knowing Luna would be in there. She opens the window and smiles warmly,"Oh I just knew you would be going with them." I giggle and step into the room. I quickly cast a spell to pack all of my things into a suitcase. I grab that and Artemis's cage before climbing back out of the window. I sit behind Fred and we fly off. 

After an hour of flying we reach the Burrow. We land on the ground and I turn to George,"So how is your mother going to react?" He laughs,"You would never believe this but she actually approves of it. However she doesnt know about you." Fred adds,"You should really be worried about what your uncle and godfather are going to do to me when they figure out what you did." Before I can respond I hear,"Oh we already have." I whip around and see Molly,Arthur,Moody,Tonks,Remus, and Sirius standing at the door. Fred's eyes widen and I say,"Dont be mad. This was my choice, not theirs. If you want to punish me, then go ahead." Remus sighs and walks up to me. He hugs me and the scent of chocolate and old books overwhelms me,"We know this was your choice and we respect that. Just.. be careful." He lets go of me and Molly hugs me saying,"You three will be staying with us until the Twins buy the plot." I nod and let go of Molly. I turn to Fred and kiss him. He kisses back and smiles into the kiss. Sirius clears his throat,"I think that is enough for now. Let's all go inside." I nod and walk into the Burrow. Lupin says,"I think Tonks and I will be leaving now. We have some errands to run." I nod and watch as they apparate away. 

I sit on the ground in front of the Burrow looking up at the stars. I am pulled out of my thoughts by Sirius sitting down next to me. I smile at him before looking back up and watching the stars glow. Sirius sighs,"You know I want you to be happy. And if Fred makes you happy then you made the right choice." I glance over at him,"I am happy. I know that leaving was my best option. Umbridge became headmaster and the school started going down even more." Sirius nods before getting up and walking back inside. The Twins walk out and sit beside me. George says,"We are really glad you came with us. You can help us around the shop, or get a different job if you wish. It's all up to you." I grin,"I would love to help you at the shop. So tell me about this plot youre going to be buying." Fred laughs,"It is amazing, love. There is a flat above it where we will be staying. George and I meet the realtor tomorrow." I nod and lean on Fred's shoulder. This is going to work. 

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