Chapter 68

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Authors Note: Ok so if anyone was wondering the picture above is what Raylas wand looks like.

I wake up to the sound of the floorboards creaking. The family must be starting to get ready for the wedding. I turn to my other side and see Fred's bare back in front of me. I smile and kiss his shoulder sweetly. The feeling makes him stir so I trail more kisses from his shoulder to his neck. Fred turns around to face me and says,"Well thats one way to wake someone up." With that he kisses me tenderly. After the kiss ends I look over to Georges bed and see that its empty. I attempt to get out of bed but Fred wraps his arms around me and pulls me back into him. I giggle as he kisses all over my face. I whisper,"We need to get up so we can help set up for your brothers wedding. He doesnt get married everyday you know." Fred groans and lets me go. I get up and walk over to the suitcase I packed. I pull out a flowy pink dress that ends just above my knees. I change into it quickly, put on light makeup, and then finally curl my hair. I sit on the bed and pull out a book to read while Fred gets ready. 

The wedding reception is just starting and I cant help but admire the beautiful dress Fleur is wearing. Bill twirls her around the dance floor and I smile at the way they look at each other. Molly sits next to Fred and I and grins at us. She then says fairly loudly,"So when are the two of you going to get married? I only ask since Rayla will be turning 18 soon and this would have been her last year at school." I can hear Fred choke on his drink and I look down at my lap quickly. Fred responds,"Mom can we please not talk about this now? I mean lets just give Bill and Fleur their day without talking about me and Rayla getting married." I blush at his words and fiddle with the promise ring adorning my ring finger. Molly nods and heads off towards Arthur. I smile lightly at the thought of Fred and I getting married. I notice that everyone is starting to join Bill and Fleur on the dance floor. Fred gets out of his seat and reaches his hand out for me to take. I grab it and he walks me over to the dance floor. He lays one hand on my waist and the other still is holding my hand. I laugh as he spins me out and then into his arms. 

After hours of dancing I look into Fred's eyes and remember the first time we danced together. It was the same night we confessed our feelings for each other. I stop dancing and kiss him softly. The kiss is interrupted when a flash of light bursts through the tent. Fred pulls me into him as tight as possible and takes out his wand. A loud voice booms from the light and after the words,"The ministry has fallen." I cover my ears with my hands. I cant stand to listen to it. The light disappears and suddenly dozens of Death Eaters appear in the tent. I watch as a few people are hit with the killing curse. I reach down and lift the skirt of my dress and pull out the wand I had tied to the inside of my dress. I glance over and see a man cornering Molly. I break out of Freds arms and run over to her and step between her and the Death Eater. He yells out something but I am a bit quicker and yell out,"Protego!" The spell bounces off of the shield. The spell wear off and beofre I can say another charm the man says,"Crucio!" The curse hits me and I fall to the ground screaming. My entire body feels like its on fire. The pain seems to last forever. From the corner of my eyes I see Ron,Harry, and Hermione apparate away. My body stops trembling and the pain stops. I look up and see Fleur standing over the Death Eater. She reaches out her hand and I take it. She pulls me off of the ground and walks me over to Fred. He kisses me very quickly and says,"You just saved my mother." I smile at him and look around for more Death Eaters. 

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