Chapter 67

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It July 27th and I am currently pacing the floor in the kitchen at the Burrow. I pull at the hem of my sweater in nervousness. The Order is currently attempting to get Harry here safely. Fred and George agreed to go and help and that heightens my worry even more. I also cant help but worry for Remus and Tonks. They told me just the other day that they got married and I couldn't have been more happy. Now in just a few days Bill and Fleur would be getting married. I havent met Bill yet but I honestly cant wait to. Fred tells me that Bill is his second favorite sibling and I cant wait to meet him. My pacing quickens but stops when Molly grabs my hand lightly. She pulls me into a hug and I can feel a bit of the worry slip away. The door is slammed open and I nearly jump out of Molly's arms. George is carried in and layed on the couch. I notice the blood running down the right side of his head and the tears start falling down my face. Fred rushes in with Arthur and kneels in front of his twin. Molly is wiping off some of the blood on Georges head. I hear Fred ask,"How are you feeling Georgie?" George whispers back,"Saint like." Fred looks confused and asks,"Come again?" A faint smirk comes across George's face and he says,"Saint like. Im holy. Holey, get it?" I smile and hear Fred laugh quietly,"A whole world of ear-related humor, and you go for 'Im Holey'? Pathetic." George's smirk gets bigger as he says,"Reckon Im still better looking than you." I kneel beside Fred and place a swift kiss on George's forehead. I feel Fred grab my hand and I squeeze it reassuringly. I use my other hand to wipe the tears off of my face. 

After a bit George falls asleep and Fred said he wouldnt leave his side. I walk into the kitchen to get a cup of tea. I notice a tall man with ginger hair that reaches his shoulders and a long overcoat. He is standing next to Fleur and I immediately realize that it must be Bill. Fleur taps his arms and points at me. Bill turns around and sees me. He walks over and I reach my hand out for him to shake but instead he catches me off guard by hugging me. I laugh after a moment and hug him back. He pulls away and apologizes,"Im sorry for that. It's just that I feel like I already know you so well. The whole family sends me letters about you, good things of course. Even Fleur here tells me about how you managed to wrangle my brother. Good luck with him." I smile in response and he and Fleur walk out of the room. Remus and Tonks walks in and I immediately rush over to Remus and hug him. After we pull away Tonks looks at me and says,"We have something to tell you but you must keep it a secret from the others." I nod and she continues,"I just found out very recently that I'm pregnant." I gasp and start jumping up and down gleefully. Remus laughs and grabs me by the shoulders to stop my jumping. I hug them both and whisper,"You two are going to be the best parents in the world!" 

After a longer conversation with the soon to be parents I walk back out into the living area and see Fred sitting on the chair next to the couch. He has his chin in his right hand and he is watching George closely. He spots me and pats his lap with his other hand. I straddle his lap so I am facing him. I grab the sides of his face with my hands and say,"He will get better Freddie. If I have learned anything about you Weasleys, it's that you are all fighters." Fred smiles and kisses me. I get off of him and sit back down so i'm facing George and my back is against Fred's chest. I grab Fred's hand and watch as everyone starts heading to bed. I know George will get better and that the wedding will be amazing. 

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