Chapter 92

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I drag Fred out the door and he asks,"Where on earth are you taking me love?" I giggle and say,"It's a surprise!" I grab his hand and we apparate to an alley. He looks around and says,"Either we are about to get mugged or we are near muggles." I smile but say nothing as I drag him into the busy street. We walk for a few blocks until we reach a muggle doctor's office. Fred turns to me and raises his eyebrows,"Is something wrong with the little one?" I shake my head and say,"Nothing is wrong. I just want to check up on how things are going. They have something called ultrasounds here. We will be able to see our baby!" Fred grins widely and drags me through the door. I walk up to the counter and we check in. 

After about 30 minutes of waiting a nurse comes by and calls my name. Fred and I walk back with her and into a room. She takes my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure before saying,"Everything seems normal with mom. I'm going to go get the doctor so we can start the ultrasound." She walks off and a few minutes later the doctor walks in. I do as he says and lay back on the bed. I lift up my Weasley jumper and seconds later I lightly hiss due to the cold gel being applied to my stomach. Fred takes my hand in his and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. The doctor places the monitor on my stomach and moves it around a bit. I look up at the screen and see the baby's outline. I feel a few drops of water on my hand and when I look over I see that Fred is crying. I take his face in my free hand and say,"It's ok, Freddie." I wipe away his tears and the doctor asks,"Would you like to know the gender of your baby?" I look back at Fred and he looks a bit troubled. I ask him,"Is everything alright?" Fred meets my eyes and says,"I dont think I want to know. My mum and dad never knew what my siblings and I were and I kind of want the surprise when baby Weasley is born." I think about what he said then turn to the doctor,"We dont want to find out the gender just yet." He nods and says,"Well I can tell you that your baby is healthy and growing at a perfect rate. May I interest you in hearing your baby's heartbeat?" I nod immediately and he presses a button on the screen. Suddenly a heart beat echoes through the room. I cant stop the tears that flow down my cheeks. Fred laughs and says,"I cant wait to meet the little prince or princess." 

We leave the doctors office with a huge envelope filled with pictures of the ultrasound. We walk back into the alleyway in order to apparate back to the flat. Before we can apparate a man walk into the alley and pulls out a gun. I grab onto Fred's arm and he steps in front of me. The man yells out,"Give me everything you have and if you make one wrong move, I am not afraid to shoot you both." Fred takes a step forward but the man moves his finger to pull the trigger. Time seems to slow down as the man pulls the trigger. I yank Fred back with all of my strength and yell out,"Bombarda!" The bullet explodes in the air before it can hit either of us. The man looks puzzled and before he has time to pull the trigger again Fred takes my hand and we apparate to the flat. We land in the flat and I drop to the ground out of exhaustion. George rushes over and helps me up. He looks at Fred and asks,"What in Godric's name happened?" Fred helps his twin bring me over to the couch and says,"We left the doctors office and went into an alley in order to apparate home, but before we could do so a man pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot us if we didnt give him all that we had. I went to tackle the guy but he pulled the trigger. Rayla yanked me behind her and exploded the bullet. I didnt even know she could use wandless magic. It took a lot of her strength though." George shakes his head in disbelief and says,"Never mess with Rayla Williams, I learned that a long time ago." Fred nods and hands me a glass of water. I drink it quickly and say,"I didnt even know I could do wandless magic." George pulls my hair back into a messy bun for me and says,"You are a lot more powerful than you realized if you managed to explode something the first time you've ever used that type of magic." Fred nods in agreement and kisses my forehead. George moves to walk away but I grab his sleeve and say,"Can you please stay? I just want to be near both of you. I thought I would loose Freddie today when that man pulled the trigger and right now all I need is to be near the two idiots I call family." George chuckles and nods before sitting down on the couch beside me. Fred sits on the other side of me and I let out a sigh. I lean my head in his shoulder and George leans his head on my shoulder. I giggle at his actions and he says,"What? Its comfortable. Also I think the reason your cooking tastes as good as it does is because youre super powerful. But you have to promise not to explode anything in the building unless its in the joke shop." I smack his arm playfully and say,"I promise I wont explode anything." I snuggle further into the twins and close my eyes, feeling the exhaustion overcome me. 

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