Chapter 1

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I take a deep and shaky breath before stepping onto the train. My legs feel like jello as I wobble down the corridor passing rooms full of other students. Room after room I look in and see that every compartment is full. I look down for a split second after I make eye contacts with a boy with shaggy blonde hair. I feel a force run into me and in a split second im on the floor. I slowly glance up at a boy with platinum hair glaring at me. He spats out in a harsh tone, "Watch where you're going you poor excuse of a witch." I feel the tears prick my eyes as I hear his words. "Hey Pansy come look at this sorry filth on the floor," The boy calls. A girl with shortish black hair comes skipping over to the boy. She hisses out in a screechy like voice,"I cant believe you ran into my Dracey." The boy and Pansy start laughing as the tears go streaming down my face. "Oi, Malfoy, will you leave the poor girl alone," a voice calls out from behind me calls out, "Can't you pull your head out of your arse and  just walk away?" I whip my head around to see where the voice came from and see a boy with ginger hair standing there. He look a couple years older than me and already much taller than me. The blonde in front of me spats. "This is none of your concern Weasley. Why dont you go back to your compartment and prank someone with your brother." The red headed boy walks towards me and helps me up off the ground. He lifts me as if I weigh close to nothing. A rosy color paints over my cheeks as the boy still holds my arm after he has lifted me. He then says,"You know I cant do that Malfoy. You are picking on an innocent girl, who you ran into, so it's now my business." The Malfoy boy and Pansy both scoff and walk away from me and the boy. The boy finally lets go of my arm and whispers, "You alright love?" I blush at his words and whisper back, "I'm fine now. Thank you for that." He laughs and uses his thumb to wipe the tears that remained on my cheeks. My face only gets redder. "Im Fred Weasley," The boy says sticking out his hand for me to shake. I take it cautiously while responding, "Im Rayla Williams." His hands are warm compared to my ice cold hands. He smiles at me before letting go of my hand. He looks around before saying, "Would you like to come and sit with me and my brother George in our compartment?" I nod shyly. He reaches out his hand to me and I slowly raise my hand to take his. He pulls me down the hall to a door. He slides it open while letting go of my hand, leaving me missing the warmth from his hand. I walk in the compartment to see a boy that look identical to Fred. My eyes look between the two boys. They both laugh at my reaction. Fred then says,"Identical twins,although im the handsome one." His brother elbows him in the rib cage causing Fred to laugh. I sit myself across from the twins while laughing at their fighting. George leans over to Fred and whispers something in his ear. I watch as Freds face turns a deep red. Fred takes out his wand and pokes his brothers forehead. 

About an hour passes and I have never felt more alive. I have figured out that the twins are 2 years older than me and that there younger brother Ron is a first year just like me. Fred is now sitting next to me while George is trying out a few spells (most of them backfiring). I shiver once again because of my body being cold like usual. Fred notices this time and says," Rayla you should take my sweater." Before I even have time to respond he takes of the grey knitted sweater and hands it to me. I shook my head while trying to hand it back but Fred keeps pushing it towards me. I give up at pull the sweater over my head. The sleeves go a few inches past the tips of my fingers and the bottom reaches the bottom of my thighs. George then yells out, "FREDDIES GOT A CRUSH!" Fred and I both blush and I shimmy away from Fred. I feel the train come to a screeching stop and I am flung to the floor. Fred and George both rush to me and help me up. We walk down the halls of the train until we reach the door. I step out and almost trip. The twins laugh and call me clumsy. I take a deep breath before walking towards the dock with the twins, ready for my 1st year at Hogwarts. 

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