Chapter 40

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There is only a month until school starts again and I'm scared of what this year will bring. Im currently with the Weasley's and Hermione at 12 Grimmauld Place. This is where my mother and uncle grew up. Im sitting in the kitchen with the Twins when we hear a knock on the door. I rush to the door and slam it open. I see Sirius standing there. Beside him are two people. A woman with purple hair and a man with brown hair and scars across his face. Sirius takes me into his arms tightly and says,"Oh I've missed you." I smile and say,"I missed you more." I pull away and let the three of them inside. The woman with purple hair steps forward and introduces herself,"Im Tonks. I have heard a great deal about you from your uncle. I do know someone who has been waiting to see you." She walks down the hall and joins the Twins in the kitchen. The man with scars on his face steps towards me hesitantly,"Im Remus, Remus Lupin." I smile immediately remembering what Sirius had told me the last time I saw him. He told me that I had a godfather that was a werewolf, his name being Remus Lupin. He steps closer to me and sets his hand on the back of my head gently and smiles at me with tears in his eyes,"You look a lot like your mother. Luckily you look nothing like your cowardly father." He pulls me into a hug and I smile at the scent of old books and chocolate. After a bit I pull away and ask,"Wait who told you about my father?" He sighs,"Your mother sent me a letter telling me about what had happened, she found out from your father, and how she left your father. Im just glad that youre safe." I nod and hug him again. He laughs and pulls me closer. Fred walks out of the kitchen and over to Remus,Sirius, and I. Remus pulls out of the hug and Sirius says to Fred,"Good luck with that kid. You thought I was scary? Wait until you get the talk from Remus." He walks away to join the rest of the group in the kitchen. Remus stares at Fred and says,"Ah yes, Fred Gideon Weasley. I remember teaching you a few years ago. You hurt my goddaughter and I will not hold back in killing you." My eyes widen and I step in-between my godfather and boyfriend,"How about we join the rest in the kitchen!" With that I take Fred's hand and drag him to the kitchen and sit down. Remus follows us an sits down. Sirius clears his throat and says,"Tonks, I do believe it's time for you to pick up the special package. I hate to say it but anyone who hasn't graduated yet goes upstairs." Us kids groan but get up and head up the stairs anyways. We all go into the room the Twins are in and sit in a circle on the floor. 

After about an hour we hear the door open and close. Harry walks up the stairs and joins us. Fred and George glance at each other and say,"Follow us." We all follow the Twins to the endge of the stair case. George pulls out something from his pocket. Its an extendable ear. I face palm and ask,"Do I even want to know what you are up to now?" They both shrug and lower the ear trying to hear the conversation in the kitchen. I study the Twins and take in the little details. Their faces have matured a bit more and Molly cut their hair. 

An hour passes and Molly calls us all down. I run down the stairs in order to see everyone that's arrived. I meet Molly at the bottom of the stairs and she says,"We'll be eating in the kitchen." She goes to turn around but yelps when Fred and George apparate on either side of her. Molly clutches her chest and says,"Just because you're allowed to use magic now you don't have to whip your wands out for every tiny little thing!" They both laugh and we walk into the kitchen. 

After dinner we all head to bed. I get to share a bed with Fred since Harry is here now. I fall asleep to his heartbeat. 

I open my eyes and see that the Twins are still sleeping. I check the time and see its only one in the morning. I quietly walk down the steps and into the kitchen. I get a glass from the cupboard and fill it with water. As I take a sip Remus walks into the kitchen. He smiles warmly and asks,"Couldnt sleep?" I nod and say,"What about you?" He chuckles and says,"Tonks snores in her sleep." I giggle and say,"How did you and my mother meet?" Remus smile as if reminiscing in the old times,"Well I was in my second year when this little girl comes up to me in the great hall and asks me if I know her older brother, she told me it was Sirius and I nodded. She asked me if I could beat him up for stealing her candy. From that moment forward she was like my younger sister also. When your mother was pregnant with you she asked me to be your godfather. I sadly never got to see you in person until today. Your sister was like a niece to me. Even though she is your step sister I still treated her better than your father ever treated anyone. I am so sorry you went through that. I promise that he will never hurt you again." I smile warmly and say,"Thank you so much." He nods and says,"Goodnight Rayla." He walks off and I also head to bed once again. I lay next to Fred and smile at his light snores filling the room. I close my eyes and think about my new family. 

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