Chapter 86

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I sit across Fred at the table and ask,"Did your mother send all of the wedding invitations?" He nods and I smile. We are only 2 weeks away from our wedding and I couldnt be more nervous. I wish it would come sooner. I finish my breakfast and set my plate in the sink. I lean against the counter and watch as George walks out the door. Its the weekend so he will most likely be visiting Angelina. Fred sets his plate in the sink and turns to face me. He takes my hands and says,"You seem tense, love. Why dont we go to the tea shop down the street? Maybe they have something to help relieve some of your stress." I light up with excitement and rush into our room. I throw on a pink sundress and meet Fred in the hall. He laughs at my excitement and take my hand. We walk down the stairs to the shop and then out the door. We walk down the street to the small tea shop on the corner. Fred opens the door and lets me walk in first. I take in the scent of tea and baked goods. A woman just a few years older then Fred greets us. I look up at the menu with Fred to see what might calm my nerves a bit. After we decide Fred looks at the woman and says,"Can we do one cup of peach tea and one cup of mint tea, please?" Fred pays and the two of us head to one of the small tables while we wait. After a bit the woman brings us our tea. I take a sip of the warm drink and sigh out in content. Fred chuckles and takes a drink of his own tea. After we finish our tea we thank the woman and leave the shop. We walk back to the flat and sit on the couch. Fred is sitting horizontally across the couch and Im laying on top of him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I bury my face into his chest. He plays with my hair and whispers,"If I cry when you walk down the aisle, promise no to judge me?" I giggle and whisper back,"Of course I wont judge you. I can already tell Im going to be a crying mess, especially with the pregnancy hormones." Fred smirks and kisses my forehead lightly,"Im sure youre going to look beautiful, love." I smile up at him and listen to the sound of his heartbeat. The sound makes me close my eyes and I feel sleep overcome me. 

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