Chapter 98

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I walk into Draco's small apartment with him and giggle when I see the dark green walls. He grins and says,"I haven't fully grown out of the green phase yet." I rest my hand on my baby bump and respond,"I think it look perfect, Draco. It suits you well." I walk into his kitchen and ask,"So what's this cake for again?" Draco sets his coat on a chair and says,"It's my moms birthday in a few days and I wanted to give her a cake. I discovered I cant bake at all and then I remembered that you're amazing at it. I once got one of the cookies you baked Blaise in 4th year and I thought I was in heaven." I smile at his words and pull out the necessary ingredients for the cake.

I roll up my sleeves and start scooping flour into the bowl when I feel the powdered substance hit my nose. I whip up my head to stare at Draco and he laughs at his actions. I pick up a towel an wipe off my face and return to piping flowers onto the warm vanilla cake. I feel Draco's eyes on me and I meet his eyes. Before I can say anything he says,"I'm sorry for how I treated you at Hogwarts. It really was my fault for bumping into you on the train first year. After that all I wanted to do was be your friend but when you befriended the Weasley's I got jealous because I always envied their family since they were all so close. I'm very thankful that you gave me a second chance. You've honestly become my closest friend." I notice a few tears well up in his eyes and walk to the other side of the counter. I hug him tightly and say,"I am glad I gave you another chance. Youve helped Fred and I a lot since the battle. I mean you actually made sure the Twins didnt burn the shop and flat down while I was in my coma." I let go of Draco and finish up icing the cake.

I walk back into the flat and Im immediately embraced in a hug from George. I laugh and ask,"What on earth is going on?" He pulls away and says,"Freddie made me promise to tell you he loves you and that he'll be back as soon as possible." I sigh out and remember that Fred's on business trip to try and sell some fireworks to the Irish quidditch team. He's supposed to only be gone for a week but we haven't been apart much since the war. George grabs my hand and drags me to the dining table. I see a huge stack of pancakes in the middle of the table and a large bowl of fruit. I giggle and say,"Breakfast for dinner, makes sense for a Weasley." He smiles and says,"Well just you remember that you're a Weasley too, you're also carrying a baby Weasley as we speak." I roll my eyes and sit down across from George. It's nice to get to spend quality time with him.

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