Chapter 32

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It's Febuary 23rd, which means the second task is tomorrow. I really am rooting for Cedric to win. He is really nice to everyone. I turn the corner on my way to potions class. I walk in silence since this hallway isnt that crowded. I feel a shove and I fall to the floor. I whip my head around and see Draco,Crabbe, and Goyle. Draco laughs at me and says,"Stupid nerdy Ravenclaw should know this is my hallway." Crabbe and Goyle nod in agreement. I stand up and Draco just shoves me again. I see Fred and George running down the hall towards me. I meet Fred's eyes and shake my head so he knows not to do anything to Draco just yet. I stand up once more and see the large crowd of people circled around us. Draco moves forward to shove me again but I sidestep and drop down to the ground. I swing my leg out so my foot is behind Draco's ankle. I move my leg swiftly and Draco looses his balance and falls to the floor. I stand back up and and stare down at Draco,"Just remember this moment next time you pick on a 'Stupid Nerdy Ravenclaw'" With that I turn around to walk over to Fred and George. Crabbe and Goyle step in front of me. I pull my wand out of my robe and  point it at them. They quickly scurry away from me in fear. I walk reach the Twins who are staring at me in shock. I giggle at their faces and say,"What? In America most girls have to know how to fight off stupid boys." Fred looks me up and down before kissing me. We pull away and  the three of us make our way to potions class. 

After all of our classes our over we head to the Great Hall for dinner. Dumbledore speaks before the feast begins,"Let us all wish our champions good luck in the second task tomorrow." Everyone cheers and starts eating. I eat a bit and get into a conversation with Rosalie and Luna. Luna smiles and says,"I heard that youre moving in with the Weasleys. That must be exciting." I nod and say,"It gives me more time to spend with Freddie and helps me escape from my father." Rosalie asks,"What about you mother and sister?" I frown a bit,"My mother doesnt believe me. She still sends letter though, and so does my sister." Rosalie nods. I glance over at Fred and see him staring at me. I raise my eyebrow at him and he winks at me. I smirk and blow him a kiss playfully. 

After dinner I walk to the library with the twins and we sit down on the ground in the corner. I take out a book on different spells and start reading. Fred is laying on the ground with his head on my lap talking with George about their joke shop they wish to open. I run my right hand through Fred's ginger hair and turn the pages of my book with the left. 

I lay in bed thinking about the nightmare I had at the burrow when I see a white owl land on the window sill. I open the window and realize its Hedwig. What in Godric's name is Harry's owl doing on my window?!? I see a note tied to her left leg. I untie the the note and pet Hedwig. I open the note and read it out loud,"Hello Rayla, You probably have never heard of me but I am your uncle. Your mother was my younger sister. Im willing to bet she never told you her maiden name because she thought I was locked away. Your mothers full name was Aurelia Elizabeth Black. My name is Sirius Black. I hope this letter finds you well. I should see you this summer when you stay with the Weasley's. My Regards, Sirius Black." I stare at the name with wide eyes. I cannot believe this. Im the niece of Sirius Black. I know he is truly good but I havent met him. I watch as Hedwig flys away. I must talk to Dumbledore tomorrow. I have to see if this is true. I also have to tell Fred and George tomorrow. I fall asleep to thoughts of meeting my uncle. 

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