Chapter 23

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After hours of washing,feeding,and playing with 10 different magical creatures... the twins and I are exhausted. We walk to the Gryffindor common room and I silently Professor McGonagall for allowing me to come up to the Gryffindor house any time I would like. George sprawls himself across a a chair and I softly giggle at the tired red head. Fred lays across the couch and then says,"Come here shorty." I roll my eyes and walk over to him. He takes my hand and then pulls me into his arms. I laugh and lay my head on his chest. I can feel sleep over take me and I gladly let it. 

I wake up and see that George is nowhere to be seen and I am still on Fred's chest. I smile to myself when I hear the light snores escaping his lips. I rest my chin on my arm and I stare at the most amazing person I have ever met. I quickly look away when he starts waking up. He smiles down at me and says,"Well hello there love." I roll my eyes and say,"Its going to be dinner time soon. So we gotta get up Freddie." He groans and pulls me back into his chest. I laugh and get up again. I take his hand and pull him off of the couch. 

Fred and I walk down to the great hall and sit at out tables. I sit next to Rosalie and Luna. I pull at the sleeves of my sweater and look over at the Twins every once in a while. My thoughts are interrupted when Luna says,"Rayla, would you like to hear two new fact I learned about you?" I smile at her and say,"Of course." She laughs and says,"Well first off I found out that you like Fred!" My eyes go wide at her comment and I say,"How did you figure that out?" She just shrugged and continued,"I just had a feeling. But the other fact is even more exciting! Did your mother ever tell you about her cousin?" I search my mind and then say,"She mentioned that her cousin had died but thats it." She frowns a bit but continues,"Well your mother's cousin was my mother! In a way that makes us cousins." I smile at the new found family and say,"Well im proud to be related to you Luna." 

After dinner I rush over to the Twins and say,"So I just found out that Luna and I are distant cousins!" George laughs at my energy and says,"You two do look alike. You both have about the same hair color and the same bright blue eyes." I giggle and spin around. Fred laughs at me and we all head to our rooms. I lay in bed just thinking about how luck I was to have another family member. Now I get to send a letter to my aunt,mother,and sister telling them about my cousin. I close my eyes and smile to myself. 

I wake up to the Twins standing over me. I dont even want to know how they got in here. They stare at me and George says,"Well good morning sunshine." I groan and get up. It is a Saturday and these boys are waking me up at 7 in the morning. Fred holds out his hand in his palm is a light pink candy. I raise my eyebrow at him and say,"Do I even dare trying it?" George responds,"Just do it Rayla!" I cautiously grab the candy from Fred and eat it. I feel nothing happen to me and I am now confused. I ask,"Did you two actually give me just a regular candy? They both respond in unison,"Maybe." I remember the candy they talked about yesterday, the one that changes your hair color for 24 hours. I jump up and look in the mirror to see that my hair is now a light pink. I whip my head around and say,"You Weasley's are so dead!" I lunge and sprint after them and hear Fred say,"We are so dead!"

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