Chapter 7

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It has been about 2 weeks since the whole Detention thing and I haven't been back there since. It had been a regular day until the Twins came up to me and asked if I'd watch them tryout for Quidditch. I agreed. Now I'm here listening to the captain, Oliver Wood, set out the rules of the tryouts and the future games. I was sitting in the Ravenclaw stands and watching the players very carefully. Oliver splits all the students in half for a game to see the best players. The loud whistle then blows and the students are off into the air. It's not hard to keep track of the twins because of the bright hair. I feel the bleacher shake and look over to see Ron,Hermione, and Harry sitting next to me. Ron looks at me and says, "The twins have been hoping to make beaters all summer. I really hope they make it." I nod before responding, "Me too. Also I heard that you're quite good at Wizards Chess, I was wondering if you wanted to play a game of it later? We can invite a few people to watch and talk." Ron smirks then says, "We each can invite two people. I will bring Harry and Hermione and you can bring whoever you want." I laugh and nod and then turn back to the field. The twins are the people I'm going to bring tonight. They are doing quite well on the field and are really paying attention. I turn my head to Hermione who's trying to explain the rules to Harry and then feel something rather large hit me in the abdomen. The force hit me so hard that I'm now on the ground. I can hear the whistle blow and my name being called by the trio next to me and some of the students on the field but one voice is heard the most, Fred's voice. My vision is blurry and all I can see is the sky, but then Fred is standing above me trying to help me up. I can hear Oliver say, " We need to bring her to the infirmary now! She was hit by a bloody bludger!" My vision becomes darker and I feel someone pick me bridal style and start walking rather quickly. I look up to see my favorite Weasley and then all I can see is black.
My eyes slowly open as I hear Madame Pomfrey whispering to someone. I look over to my left and see Pomfrey and McGonagall whispering to each other. I then look to my right and see a table that has a glass of water on it with a single white flower sitting beside it. I smile and wonder who could have left it there. McGonagall walks over to me and says, "Well Miss Williams it seems that you're finally awake. You have been out of it for two days and your friends were staring to get worried. I think the people that were in here the most were Mr.Potter and the Weasley Twins. The twins are the ones that brought you the flower I believe. I'm glad to see you awake but I must go now my dear." With that she smiles at me and walks out. I call over Madame Pomfrey and ask her if she can get the Twins in here. She nods and leaves the infirmary. A few minutes later she returns with the red heads and then walks away to care for other students. The twins come to my bed and sit in either side of me. I then ask, "What exactly happened?" Fred sighs and then looks at his twin. George then replies, " Rayla, you were hit by a bludger that went a bit wild. No one meant for you to get hurt. It was a mistake and we are so sorry we invited you to watch us." I only smile at them before saying. "Guys I'm fine now and it's not your fault. Thank you for the flower and for coming to visit me so often. Now if you guys want to make it up to me you two can lay on each side of me so I can get some body warmth because this place is freezing." We all laugh and then George says something about homework and then runs out of the infirmary. Fred looks down at me and says, " Well now I can warm you up. So move over sunshine." I blush and move to the left a bit. Fred climbs in next to me and I lean on his arm while closing my eyes. I feel warmth wash over me and I start feeling sleepy. I snuggle into Fred's arm a bit closer before letting sleep overcome me.

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