Chapter 80

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Its April 30th and everyone is very tense. We believe the war will be happening in just days. I sit on the ground in the living room and I feel so worried. What if something happens to Remus and Tonks? What if Harry cant defeat the Dark Lord? No I cant think like that. I get off of the floor and instantly feel a wave of nausea hit me. I rush to the bathroom and empty my stomach. I must have caught some kind of bug. I brush my teeth quickly and walk out of the bathroom. My mom walks into the flat and says,"We plan on heading to Hogwarts tomorrow night. I nod and sit on the couch. The Twins walk in and sit next to me. I rest my head on Fred's shoulder and he leans down and plants a kiss of the top of my head. I smile at his actions and listen to my mother speaking. She is talking about a plan to keep all of us safe while fighting. She pretty much wants us to have a buddy system. 

Its finally night and I just cant seem to get comfortable. I toss and turn in my spot and groan in frustration. I stop moving when Fred wraps his arm around me and says,"Stay still you wiggle worm." I stare at the ceiling and a memory flashes through my mind. It was the day I met Fred. How he helped me off of the floor in the train and then invited me to sit with him and George. I smile at the memory and finally feel sleep overcome me. 

I open my eyes to the sound of Fred whispering my name. I turn to face him and smile. He smiles back and says,"Well good morning, sleepy head. Georgie and I have to run to the Burrow really quick but we will be back soon. Are you ok staying here with your mother?" I nod and watch as he leaves. I get out of bed and walk out of the room. I meet my mom in the kitchen and she asks if I want anything to eat. I shake my head and say,"I havent had an appetite for the past few days, I think I might have caught a bug." She studies me before her eyes go wide and she asks,"Have you felt really sick in the mornings? Also have you not been able to get comfortable recently?" I think it over and I nod my head. She grabs her wand and says,"I am gonna run to a muggle store close to here. Will you be good here?" I nod and ask,"What do you need from the store?" She smiles and says."You will just have to wait and see." With that she walks out the door and I grab a book from the counter. I read it for about 30 minutes until she walks back through the door holding a bag. She opens it and sets 4 boxes on the counter. I read the boxes and gasp. I run over to the calendar and groan. I look at my mom and say,"Im gonna go take them right now." She nods and hands me the boxes. 15 minutes later I hear the time beep. I look at my mom and she closes her eyes and hands me the first one, then the next, and finally the third and fourth ones. Each one says the same exact thing. I look up at my mom and say,"Im pregnant." 

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