Chapter 24

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Its November 23rd and that means tomorrow is the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I really hope everyone is ready. Im sitting with Ginny in the library since the Twins are doing something. Ginny looks at me and asks,"Rayla,do you like my brother?" I cant help the blush that spreads across my face,"Maybe I do. But its not like Freddie will ever like me back." Ginny laughs and says,"I wouldn't be so sure about that." I roll my eyes playfully and keep reading. We sit in silence and I cant help but wonder what she meant by that. Is it possible that Fred might like me? My thoughts are interrupted when someone sits in me. I quickly look up and see George sitting on my lap. I try pushing the red head off but fail. I sigh and say,"Get off of me Weasley! You're going to squish me!" George gets off of me and plops down on the chair to my right. I look around searching for the other Weasley twin. I look at George and ask,"Where is the other trouble maker?" He shrugs in response. I keep looking around until my eyes are covered by two warm hands. I smile when I hear Fred say,"Guess who." I giggle and grab his hands,moving them off of my face. Fred laughs and sits down on the chair to my left. I continue reading but sigh when I glance up at the clock. Its time to go to the last class of the day. Luckily its transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. 

The Twins walk me to my class and they both kiss me on opposite cheeks before leaving. I roll my eyes and sit down in the front of the class. I look around the class and angrily sigh when I see two of my least favorite people, Draco and Pansy. Since when are they in this class? You know what, I will just ignore them. 

The rest of day went by fairly fast and im now sitting in my bed reading a book about the life of Rowena Ravenclaw. My reading comes to a halt when Rosalie jumps on to my bed. I giggle at the girl spread across my bed like a starfish. Rosalie moves a bit and says,"So who do you think you're going to the Yule Ball with? I shrug and say,"Im probably going to go by myself." She gasps and responds,"You cant go by yourself! Im sure Freddie with muster up the courage to ask you." I roll my eyes,"Go to bed Rosalie. I have an important potion tomorrow and I need to be prepared." She smirks and says,"Oh yeah. I heard you have to do the Amortentia potion for the first time. Fine. I will let you sleep." And with that she moves over to her bed and we both fall asleep fairly quickly. 

I wake up to sound of Rosalie getting ready. I get dressed in my uniform and put my hair into a braided crown. I walk down to breakfast fairly nervous. I cant be called on to say what I smell. I really dont want anyone to know who I like. I mean George is the exception since he already knows, but still! 

I walk into potions and I can feel my hands shaking at my sides. Snape explains what we must do and we all get to work. I am partners with Lee Flynn. We work together making the potion and Lee smells it first. Before I can smell the potion I hear Snapes start speaking,"I will now call on different students to share what they smell. Mr.Longbottom, please share what you smell." I glance over to Neville who looks nervous but manages to speak,"I smell daises,brown sugar, and fresh laundry." Snape marks something down in his book and walk over to me. My eyes widen and I silently pray to anyone who may be listening to let me not mess this up. Snape towers over me and says,"Miss Williams, please tell the class what you smell." I lean over and smell the potion and curse myself because it smells exactly like Fred. I take a deep breath and say,"Cedar wood, cinnamon, and Zonko's Joke Shop." I glance over at the Twins and they are both looking at me. I sink down in my spot wishing I were dead. Snape then walks over to Fred and George. This should be good. Snape smirks to himself and says," Fred Weasley, Do share what you smell." I close my eyes just knowing it will probably smell like some other girl. Fred clears his throat and says,"I smell vanilla,mint,rain, and books." I sigh a bit and thank Merlin that Fred was the last one to speak. Snape announces that we have the rest of the period to do what we want. The Twins walk over to me and George leans down and whispers,"You smelled Freddie. Also when you get to your room you should check your perfume." I think about what perfume and my eyes widen at what the name of it was.... Vanilla Mint. Im sure its nothing. 

The rest of the morning raced by and its finally time for the first task. Im walking around with Fred and George handing out buttons and different candies. They have been working so hard to save up for this joke shop and I will do anything to help them. 

After a bit everyone is now sitting in the stands waiting for the task to start. The rules are stated and the even begins. I really should have gotten more sleep last night. I lean my head onto Fred's shoulder and close my eyes. I know I wont fall asleep but I might as well try. I loose track of time but my thoughts are interrupted when Fred grabs my hand stands up and yells with his brother,"GO DRAGON." I roll my eyes and cheer with them. I really hope nobody is hurt to badly out their. 

The event is finally over and I am sitting in my common room with the Twins next to me. They got pretty sick of the party going on in their own common room. Fred interrupts the silence by saying,"I asked Angelina to the Yule ball." I can feel my heart shatter in my chest and I blink away the  tears. I smile at Fred just to show him Im happy. George looks at me trying to keep a smile on my face and asks fairly loudly,"Rayla would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" I realize that he is only asking me to make me feel better. I smile at him and say,"Sure Georgie." I glance over at Fred who has a stunned look on his face. I cant do this. I look at the Twins and say,"Im gonna go to bed, Night boys." I kiss them both on the cheek and walk into my room. I cant control the sobs that escape from my lips. I cant believe that I honestly thought Fred might actually like me. I hear the Twins walk out of the common room in order to go to their own common room. I curl up into a ball and close my eyes. I can feel sleep start overcoming me and I gladly let it. 

A.N.: THE YULE BALL IS NEXT!!! It would mean a lot if you lovely people would comment what you think Rayla's Dress,Hair, and Makeup should look like!

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