Chapter 28

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Fred pulls out a chair for me at the dinner table and I thank him quietly. Molly sets down many plates of food and I cant help but smile as all the Weasley's dive in and get into random conversations. Fred looks at me and hands me a plate of food. I sigh contently at the amazing food. I look over to Molly and say,"This is amazing Mrs.Weasley. Thank you so much for letting me stay here for the week." Molly smiles at me,"You're welcome dear." Before I can take another bite Arthur asks,"So us about your family." I do my best to speak without getting nervous,"My mother is a nurse at Ilvermorny in America and my Older sister,Amelia, is an Auror in America." Molly smiles at this and says,"And what about your father?" All of my confidence washes away and I cant seem to form any words. Fred luckily responds for me,"He isnt important." As he says this he gives his parents a look. Molly's eyes widen and she says,"Oh I am sorry dear." I give her a slight smile,"It's ok Molly."

We finish eating and I turn to Molly,"Let me help you with the dishes Mrs.Weasley." She hugs me and says,"Oh thank you dear. Follow me." I do as she says. She instructs George and I to wash and dry the dishes. She walks away, most likely to do another chore around the house. George rinses each dish while I dry them and put them away.

After a bit we finally finish the dishes. Fred walks in and wraps his hands around my waist. He lays his chin on the top of my head. He whispers,"I love you." I whisper it back but laugh when I hear George fake gag and walk into the living area. Fred turns me around and connects his lips with mine. My hands find my way to his hair. After a few seconds we pull away and join the rest in the living area. Fred walks me over to a chair and sets me down on his lap. His arms once again snake around my waist. I lean my head against his shoulder and watch and Ron,Ginny, and George argue about quidditch players. Fred laughs at his siblings and pulls me a bit closer. I make eye contact with Molly and she gives me a slight wink. I giggle at her and lean to my right in order to kiss Fred's cheek. Just before I can kiss his cheek he turns his head so I kiss his lips instead. I pull away and playfully hit his shoulder.

It's finally time to go to bed. I lay in a bed next to Ginny but cant seem to sleep. Ginny is asleep beside and me and I groan in frustration. I climb out of bed and look at myself in her mirror. Im wearing matching pajama shorts and tank top. I quietly open the door and tip-toe down the hall to the Twin's room. I open their door and see them both fast asleep. I hold back a giggle at George laying with half his body hanging off of his bed. I walk over to Fred's bed and lift his cover up and slip in next to him. He opens his eyes at the movement and whispers,"Couldnt sleep?" I shake my head and he pulls me into his chest. He leans down to kiss me goodnight and I gladly let him. I feel my eyes finally get heavy. I fall asleep to Fred whispering,"Love you."

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