Chapter 45

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I walk into the room of requirement with the Twins and see Harry just starting a lesson. His voice masks all the other students,"Today we will be learning about fighting off dementors. I will teach you how the spell,expecto patronum." I smile and take out my wand. He repeats the spell,this time actually casting it, and with a burst of blue light comes a stag. My eyes widen and I grab onto Fred's hand. He looks over at me and squeezes my hand reassuringly. Harry says,"Now I want each of you to think of your most happy memory and say the spell." All of the students break into small groups and do as Harry instructs. I step to the side with Fred and George. The Twins cast the spell at the same time and a magpie bursts out of both of their wands. I smile,"Of course you two would have the same patronus." George laughs,"Why dont you show us what yours is." I ready my wand and close my eyes. I think of the astronomy tower with Fred, and how we confessed our feelings and kissed for the first time. I open my eyes and say the spell. My wand lets out a blue stream of energy and an elephant is what is pictured at the end of it. The elephant swirls around the room and I lay my hand on Fred's shoulder. George smiles at me,"I think that suits you well. You are wise and gentle." Fred nods at his brothers conclusion and asks me,"What was your memory?" I kiss his cheek and say,"Not telling." Fred laughs at me and just shakes his head. 

After most of the D.A. has mastered the spell Harry says,"Now its time to put our lessons to test. We will be dueling. Ron and Hermione will you please go first?" Ron and Hermione step forward and head to opposite sides of the room. George whispers to Fred,"One sickle." Fred whispers back,"Youre on." The room is silent and Ron looks fairly cocky. I make eye contact with Hermione and she winks at me. Ron is about to get horribly beat. Ron readies his wand and before he can say anything Hermione yells out,"Stupefy!" Ron flies backwards and I cant keep in a laugh. Fred hands his brother a sickle and George says,"Thank you." Fred whispers,"Shut up." Serves Ronald right. Harry then says,"I think that is it for today. We will pick back up on dueling tomorrow." With that the Twins and I sneak out and head to the library. 

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