Chapter 70

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I step into the flat with the twins and watch as Fred walks over to the couch. He groans in pain as he sits down and I rush over to him. I look him up and down and ask,"What hurts Freddie?" Fred screws his eyes shut and lifts his shirt slightly. I notice a deep gash running across his lower abdomen. There is dried blood around it and I cant help but gasp,"Why didnt you tell me earlier? George will you grab my wand from my coat?"George does what I ask and hands me the wand. I grip the handle tightly and say,"Vulnera Sanentur." The cut on Freds abdomen slowly starts to close and the blood stops flowing. After a few seconds the cut is completely gone and Fred lets out a sigh of relief. George lays a hand on my shoulder and asks,"What would we do without you?" I laugh and respond,"You two would be in deep trouble all of the time." George shakes his head and walks off to his room. I sit on the couch next to Fred and close my eyes. We sit in silence until Fred says,"Look, I'm sorry I didnt tell you about the cut. Some Death Eater got me while I wasnt looking. I was too worried about you to worry about myself." I open my eyes and turn to him,"Freddie, you need to understand that you cant just focus on me. You need to make sure youre staying safe too." I stand to get up but then Fred pulls me into his arms. He hugs me tightly and says,"Im sorry. I love you." I smile and kiss his cheek. I then whisper back,"I love you too. Now can we just go to bed and try to forget about the events of this evening?" Fred nods and we get off of the couch. We walk towards into our bedroom and I slowly peel the dress from my body and notice Fred watching me. I smile at him and then walk over to our closet. I grab one of his sweaters and pull it over my head. It is many sizes to big but still comfortable. Fred pulls off his shirt and then changes into pajama pants. We climb into bed and face each other. He grabs my hand as if to make sure I'm still there. I lean forward and catch his lips with mine. He kisses back softly and I cant help but melt into him. After a bit we pull away and slowly drift to sleep, enjoying each others presence.

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