Chapter 74

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I slip out of the bed in the guest bedroom and out into the hallway. My steps echo through the hall as I make my way to the kitchen. I notice that the light is on and my breathing becomes heavy. I reach the kitchen and sigh out when I realize that its just Tonks in the kitchen. She spots me and says,"What are you doing up?" I smile and say,"Fred is talking in his sleep. You?" She smiles and says,"The baby is kicking. Come here." I walk over to where she is sitting and she takes my hand. She places it just below her belly button and all is still for a few moments. A small bit of pressure hits my hand and I giggle. I remove my hand and say,"That's amazing! Youre child will be the cutest thing ever." She smiles and I sit next to her at the table. She looks into my eyes as if she is trying to pull thoughts out of my mind. She then asks,"Do you think you and Fred will have kids?" I smile at the thought,"I would love to have kids with him. I know for a fact that he would be an amazing father." She nods and says,"Well, I think im going to try and get some more sleep. Try and do the same." I nod and watch as she goes back to her room. After a few minutes I head back to the guest room and climb back into bed. I feel Fred wrap his arms around my waist. He whispers,"Youd be a great mom." I blush at the fact that he hear Tonks and I's conversation. 

I open my eyes to Fred lightly shaking me awake. I yawn and he says,"Come on sleepy head. Lets get you home." I nod and Fred apparates us home. I smile and realize we are standing in out living room. George rushes out of his room with his wand out. When he sees that its only Fred and I, he lowers his wand. Angelina then runs out of the room but stops when she sees us. I make eye contact with Fred and we both burst out laughing. George rolls his eyes and asks,"Why are you two laughing?" I raise my eyebrow and say,"Dont think we didnt hear you two come back here after the party. We had to go to Remus's house just to get some decent sleep." George then laughs and says,"Sorry about that. But hey its only payback. You wouldnt believe the things I've hear while living with you two." Fred says,"Well luckily the night is over and we were able to go home. Also, Hi Angie." Angelina waves awkwardly and fixes her hair. I grab Fred's hand and we walk into our room. I change out of my pajamas and into actual clothes. I slip on one of Fred's sweaters and a pair of his sweatpants. I pull my hair into a messy bun and call it a day. Fred comes up from behind me and presses a kiss to my neck. I smile and turn around. I rest my arms around my neck and he lean forward to kiss my cheek. I turn at the last second so his lips touch mine. He pulls away and asks,"Now who's the cheeky one?" I roll my eyes and say,"Well I wanted an actual kiss." He just shakes his head and says,"I love you." I say it back and then ask,"Do you want to have kids? I know you heard Tonks and I's conversation last night." He grins and says,"Id love to have kids with you." I smile and rest my head on his chest and we lightly sway from side to side. 

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