Chapter 97

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I pace myself while attempting to go down the stairs in order to get to the joke shop. Being eight months pregnant definitely isnt easy. I can barely bend down anymore, walking down stairs sucks, and I can never get comfortable anymore. I tug down on the hem of Fred's sweater I am currently wearing and finally reach the bottom of the stairs. I look around at all of the bustling children running around the shop testing out all of the Twins creations. It's currently Christmas break which means a bunch of Hogwarts students are returning home for the holidays, which also means parents are children are out buying gifts for their loved ones. I feel a kiss planted on my cheek and look over to see Fred grinning. I raise my eyebrow and ask,"Ok what did you do?" He laughs and says,"What do you mean?" I cross my arms over my baby bump and say,"You only grin and kiss my cheek when you either want something or did something stupid." Fred drops his head down in defeat and says,"Ok you know me to well." I smile and say,"Of course I know you well, dork. I am your wife and mother of your child, who by the way wont stop using my bladder as a punching bag." Fred bring his hand to my large baby bump and rubs it lightly,"I technically didn't do anything. Georgie was the one with the bright idea to tell Mum she could bring you with to go Christmas shopping." He clench my jaw and ask,"I'm sorry did I hear you right? Did you just say the George told your mother that I, an eight months pregnant woman, that I would spend hours on my feet shopping? Trust me I love your mother and all but I can barely walk down a flight of stairs, how does George expect me to walk around for hours with your mother?" Fred shrugs and responds with,"I dont know love but George is back by the counter if you want to go strangle him." I smirk to myself and say,"Aguamenti." I flick my finger and hear George shout out." Fred laughs and says,"Yup never going to cross you again." 

I walk out the door to greet Molly. She hugs me to her best ability since there is my baby bump in the way. She smiles at me and asks,"How are you doing dear?" I rest my hand on her shoulder and say,"As best as I can be doing I suppose. This kid is really trying to get me to stay in bed all day." Molly laughs and says,"Thats exactly how I felt with the Twins and Charlie. Dont tell them I said this but they were the heaviest of my children." I giggle at her words and say,"So where to first?" 

I step through the door to the flat and yell,"I'm home!" George walks out of his room and says,"Fred is out getting food so you're stuck with me for a bit." I nod and plop down on the couch. I groan loudly and immediately get up. George looks confused and asks,"Whats the matter?" I run a hand through my hair and say,"Your niece or nephew likes to kick as soon as I sit down or get comfortable." George frowns and says,"Come here." I walk over to him and he rests his hands on my large bump. He rubs his fingers in circles and I notice the baby starting to calm down. George looks up at me and whispers,"I think your baby just likes movement in general." I smile and say,"If they are this active now I wonder how much energy they will have once they're born. Hopefully not as much energy as you and Fred have." As if on cue Fred walks through the door holding a bag of food. He hands me a small box and I open it and my eyes go wide. Sitting there is my favorite sandwich from the sandwich shop I grew up near. I look at Fred and say,"I love you so much." George snorts and says,"Are you talking to him or the food?" I throw a pillow at him and he laughs. I take a bite of the sandwich and sigh out. My family used to get these sandwiches all the time when I was a kid. I feel the baby kick a little and say,"Well apparently the little one like these too." Fred sits next to me and takes a bite of his own sandwich before saying,"I am already certain this kid is going to be just like you." I smile at his words and lean my head on his shoulder feeling content. 

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