Chapter 48

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I open my eyes and immediately smile. It's Valentines Day and I cant wait to see Fred. I jump out of bed and throw on a pair of jeans and a baby pink blouse. I slip on my black flats and run out of the Ravenclaw rooms and into the hall way. I sprint across the courtyard ignoring Snapes protests about me running. I pass Peeves and wave at him. He follows me and asks,"What's the rush?" I stop for a minute to catch my breath,"It's Fred and I's second Valentines day and I want to make it special." Peeves studies me for a moment,"What do you need from me?" I smile,"I need you to set something up for me in the room of requirement." He nods,"Anything for you." I giggle and whisper,"I need you to steal some of the floating candles from the great hall and put them in the room of requirement." Peeves smirks and says,"I love stealing things." With that he flies off. I start running up the seven flights I have to climb in order to reach the Twins. 

I reach the Fat Lady's picture and she smiles at me,"Here for that Weasley boy?" I nod and the door opens. I thank her and walk into the common room. I spot Ginny and the Golden Trio sitting around the fireplace and I ask,"Where are the Twins?" Ginny laughs,"They are still sleeping." I smile and make my way to their room. I crack the door open and slip through quietly. I tip-toe over to Fred's bed and jump on top of him. He yells out waking up George and Lee. Fred calms down when he sees it was me that jumped on him. George and Lee laugh and walk out of the room. Fred pulls me into his arms while still lying down and connects his lips with mine. We pull away for air and Fred whispers,"Happy Valentines Day." I grin and whisper it back. I pull him out of bed and he walk over to his dresser. Pulling out his clothes he says,"Turn around cheeky girl." I giggle and do as he says. After a few moment Fred turns me back around by my waist and says,"I.Love.You." He pecks my lips between words and I grin with each kiss. I look round and say,"We better leave the room so George and Lee can have their room back. I take his hand and lead him out of the room. We walk down flights of stairs and reach the room of requirement. I pull him inside and see Peeves floating in the air cross-legged. He winks at me knowingly and claps. The floating candle he stole flicker to life and form a large circle around Fred and I. Peeves flies through the wall leaving us alone. Fred looks at me and asks,"You did this for me?" I nod and say,"I thought maybe we could dance like the night we started dating." Fred beams down at me and spins me around the room. 

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