Chapter 49

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Its April 2nd and I am standing across from Fred in a session of D.A.. Harry asked us to duel and we both agreed. I steady my wand and search my brain for the right spell. I smile at him sweetly and flick my wand and yell,"Stupefy." Fred deflects the spell. Before he can send a spell my way the door to the hall way starts opening. I freeze and stare at the door. Everyone turns to see what I was staring at and they gasp. The door shimmers away to show Umbridge,Filch, and a bunch of Slytherin students standing there. Filch is holding Cho and Marietta by the arm. Fred and George apparate out of the room and I curse. They could have at least taken me with them! Umbridge yells at us to line up against the wall and has Filch and some Slytherins watch us. 

After a bit Dumbledore walks in with Umbridge. Professor McGonagall hurries in after them and gasps when she sees the large group of students along the wall. Dumbledore studies us before saying,"Dolores, I would like to speak with you in the hallway please. The two of them step out and McGonagall paces across the room. Ginny grabs onto my hand and squeezes reassuringly. Where did those Twins go? Dumbleore walks back in and says,"I shall be leaving the school as punishment. I should not have told you students to create this organization." With that he walks out and Umbridge says,"I shall be the new headmaster." What in Godric's name is happening?!? 

All of the members of the D.A. are sitting in the DADA room writing on parchment with blood quills. I bite my lip harshly as I finish my last sentence. I stand from my seat and hand Umbridge the parchment. She studies it,"Very good. Have you learned your lesson Miss Williams?" I nod and say,"Yes Headmaster." She dismisses me and I rush out of the classroom. I sprint to the bathroom and run cold water on my hand. I sigh in relief and close my eyes. 

3 days have passed since the D.A. was caught and the Twins and I are sitting in the hallway talking with a first year. Umbridge made him write with the bloodquill for a simple mistake on a test. I use a cool rag and wash out the cuts. Fred and George are trying to sooth him with words telling him how it will heal fairly fast. I spot Harry walking down the hall and he stops to watch us help the boy. I go back to helping the first year until I hear Umbridge clear her throat. I stand up and step in front of the first year shielding him. The Twins stand behind Harry and Umbridge walks away. Fred turns to his brother,"You know George, I've always thought our futures lay outside the outside the world of academic achievement." George responds smirking,"Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing." What on Earth are they talking about? The first year runs off to his common room and I smile sweetly at him. Harry walks off somewhere and I reach the Twin's side. Fred looks at me and asks,"Walk with me?"

Fred and I walk up to the astronomy tower in silence. We reach the railing of the tower and I lean on it. Fred clears his throat,"You do know I love you right?" I giggle and nod. He continues,"Well George and I have been talking. There is an empty plot in Diagon alley and it is fairly cheap. We have the money Harry gave us from the tournament last year. Georgie and I are leaving Hogwarts... and we... I want you to come with us." I turn towards the redhead in shock,"What do you mean youre leaving? And when did Harry give you his money?" Fred runs his hand through his hair,"George and I are leaving soon, meaning we arent completing the year. Harry had given us the money almost has soon has he had received it." Tears prick at my eyes,"And you didnt think to tell me that you had already gotten enough money? And now out of the blue you want me to leave with you? I am only in my 5th year Freddie! I want to have a job when I graduate!" Fred sounds exasperated,"I didnt think it mattered if you knew I had the money! If you come with us then you will have a job! I want you to come with me. I cant loose you." He steps towards me and attempts to place his hands on my waist. I slap his hands away,"Don't touch me." I run past him and down the stairs. I reach my common room and run into my room. I pick up the picture of Fred and I that Molly took of us at Christmas. I throw the picture across the room and watch as the glass in the frame shatter. Rosalie runs into the room at the noise and wraps her arms around me,"Rayla! What's wrong?" She wipes the tears falling down my face. I cant help but sob as I speak,"Fred and George are leaving, and Fred expects me to just leave with them. He didnt tell me that that he got the money for their shop. I dont know what to do." Rosalie looks shocked but calmly asks me,"Do you love him?" I nod and wipe a tear off my cheek. She continues,"Then go with them, if you think it's right. He cant tell you what you can and cannot do." I nod and she helps me to my bed. I stare at the starry ceiling pondering what I am going to do. 

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