Chapter 22

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I open my eyes and smile. Its October 31st, the day we find out who got into the Triwizard Tournament. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a simple black skirt and the sweater Mrs.Weasley knitted for me. I then walk to my nightstand and pull out my brush. I finish brushing my hair and then I weave my hair into a braid that reaches my waist. I walk to the Great Hall and sit next to Rosalie. I search the Gryffindor table for Fred and George. I spot them sitting next to Lee Fletcher. They both spot me at the same time an wave at me. I smile and wave back. After breakfast we all walk to where the Goblet of Fire is. I sit on a bench in the corner of the room and the Twins come over and sit next to me. I should not have chosen the back. Everyone else is much taller than me and I cant see a thing. I sigh and give up trying to see what is happening. Fred glances over to me and says,"Come here shorty." He pats his lap indicating for me to sit. I hesitate for a second but stand up and then sit onto his lap. Fred wraps his arms around my waist and I can feel my face heat up. I can finally see Dumbledore. He reads off the 3 names but then as he is about to walk off another parchment comes flying out of the flames. Dumbledore has a shocked look on his face and then he says a name I wasnt expecting, Harry Potter. How in the world did Harry get his name in the goblet? He isnt even old enough! Dumbledore quickly tells everyone to leave the room and we all oblige.

 I walk with Fred and George up to our usual spot in the library. I pull out a book about astronomy and engross myself into it. The twins sit next me me discussing new things they can make for their pranks. I smile to myself at the really stupid ideas they come up with but dont say anything. George says my name and I look up from my book. He then says,"What do you think of a candy that can change your hair color for a whole 24 hours?" I think about it for a second and they reply,"That sounds like a really good idea." They both then say at the same time,"Wicked." I roll my eyes and continue reading my book. I glance up at Fred every once in a while just taking in how amazing he looks when he is deep in conversation. I look over to George and he raises his eyebrow at me before glancing to Fred then me. I roll my eyes and stick up a certain finger at him jokingly. He chuckled before returning to his conversation with his twin. 

After a while of sitting in the library with the Twins im now literally laying across the twins's laps with my legs on George and my head on Fred. I start thinking about how when I was little my mother used to sing me a lullaby every night. It went like this,"Lavender's blue,Dilly dilly,Lavenders green. When I am King,Dilly dilly,You shall be Queen."(Yes this is the lullaby from the live action Cinderella) I lightly hum it to myself while opening up another book. After a few seconds Fred looks down at me and says,"Well if you're going to hum, you might as well hum it loud enough for us two to hear." I smile and say,"I dont have a good singing voice Freddie." This time George is the one to talk,"Oh come on. Im sure youre not that bad." I sigh in defeat. I clear my throat before singing the lullaby softly. By the time I finish the Twins are staring at me wide eyed. I blush and ask,"What?" Fred quickly responds,"That was amazing Rayla! Why would you ever think that youre bad?" I just shake my head and say,"Youre the only two that think that." George smiles at me and says,"Sing it again?" I say no but then they both give me the look that I just cant say no to. I once again sigh in defeat and sing the song once more. I finish singing and before I can say anything I hear my name being called. I look up and see Professor Flitwick running down to the Twins and I . When he reaches us he takes a couple of deep breaths before saying,"Miss Williams you must join the choir!" I look down at my feet and say,"I dont know professor, im not that good." Before Flitwick can protest Fred interjects and says,"Youre amazing love. You should totally join." I blush at the name and say,"Ok. Im in professor." Flitwick grins and says,"You will not regret this." He then walks off. As I try to pick up my book again Im lifted into the air and spun around. I look down and see Fred is the one doing it. He sets me down gently and his hands linger on my waist for a few seconds before saying,"Im so happy for you Rayla." George nods in agreement and I cant help but giggle. I look between the two of them and cant help the smirk that crosses across my face. George looks at me and says,"What devious plan are you coming up with right now?" I laugh and respond,"Once you two make that hair color changing candy, what do you say we use it on Snape and Filch." Fred laughs and says,"I knew you were one of us pranksters." We all smile and then leave the library heading to Hagrid's hut. I had promised him that we would help out taking care of some of his creatures. 

We make it to Hagrid's hut and we see him waiting for us. He laughs deeply and says,"Thank you for helping me take care of my creatures." I smile at him warmly and say,"Anything for you Hargrid!" He leads us into his hut and walks towards a table that has about 10 cages stacked on top of each other. Hagrids sighs and says,"Im afraid I have been so busy with this tournament I havent had the chance to really take care of all of these guys. They are all different and all require different things. I left a list for you guys on my desk. Im afraid I have to leave to take care of the planning for the first task. Good luck kids." He then leaves us and walks off towards the school. I walk over to his desk and grab the list. I look at the Twins and say,"Well then. Lets get to work." 

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