Chapter 25

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A.N.:The photos above are what Rayla is wearing! I love you all! By the way,the best song to listen to while reading this chapter is My Blood by Ellie Goulding!  Also there is a trigger warning! 

My eyes flutter open when I hear Luna calling my name. I smile to myself remembering that the Yule Ball is finally here. We have no classes today so all the students have time to get ready. Luna,Rosalie, and I walk down to the great hall for breakfast. I spot the Twins sitting at their table and I do my best to avoid eye contact with Fred. I glance at George and see him smiling at me. Im going to the ball with him since Fred is going with Angelina. There isnt any romantic thing about going with George. He is one of my best friends and Im pretty sure he actually has a crush on the girl his twin brother asked to the ball. I wave at George and finish eating. 

Now its finally time to get ready. I slip on the dress my mother sent me. Luckily Luna is excellent at hair and Rosalie is a goddess at doing makeup. Luna twists and curl my hair. Then Rosalie does just a little bit of makeup. I look into the mirror and gasp. I actually look good. I smile and hug my friends,thanking them for the amazing work they did. I help Rosalie and Luna with their dresses. Rosalie looks amazing in her emerald green dress. 

Only 15 minutes until the ball! The Twins are waiting at the bottom of the staircase for me. Fred is already with Angelina but he promised to stay near George and I. Rosalie grabs my hand just before I walk down the stairs. She whispers to me,"Knock them dead." I smile and take a deep breath. I take a few wobbly steps down but as soon as I see Fred my confidence strengthens. I lift my chin up the slightest bit and smile at the red heads waiting for me. I reach the bottom of the stairs and immediately hug George. He mumbles into my ear,"Freddie is staring at you." I easily blush and pull away from the hug. Angelina then says,"Well lets get this show on the road."

I cant keep in the gasp as we walk into the Yule Ball. It looks so beautiful! We were a tad bit late and everyone has started dancing. George glances over to me and holds out his hand. I gladly take it. Its just a simple waltz luckily. My dress floats around me like a cloud with each step I take. 

A few hours in and im now sitting in the corner at a table with George staring at Fred and Angelina. Yup, Georgie definitely has a crush on his brothers date. Fred looks so perfect in the lighting and the way his hair looks when he is dancing is breathtaking. George stares at me and says determined,"Oh screw this." He marches over to his brother and Angelina. I can hear him ask to dance with Angelina and Fred agrees. The red head I have crushed on forever walks over to me. Fred stands in front of me and then asks,"Would you care to dance with me?" I nod and take his hand. He pulls me into the dancing crowd and we start dancing. After a minute he lifts me up by my waist and spins me around. A giggle escapes my lips and I smile down at him. He sets me down and we keep dancing. I look over at George and Angelina and see that my crushes date is now glaring at me. This isnt happening. I pull away from Fred and run through the crowd, pushing people out of my way. Tears flow down my face as I make my way up flights of stairs. I reach the astronomy tower and rush over to the railing. I slide down onto the ground and let a sob out. I cant keep doing this. I love someone who will never love me back. I take off my silver heels and hoist myself on to the railing. I balance on the thin beam separating the open air from the solid ground. I close my eyes and lift my arms into the air (yup Titanic style). My thoughts of stepping off the railing are broken when someone grabs my wrist and pulls me off of the ledge. I whip around to see who it was and see someone I didnt expect... Fred.  

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